She is clearly overmatched and Palpatine would have overcome her easily. It would be ludicrous to join him against Palpatine. Okay… How? Chapter 3: A mission to Exegol | The Daughter of a ... Obi-Wan wasn't able to defeat his old apprentice this time like he did years and years before on Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith. Precise Moments Where 'Rise Of Skywalker' Ruined Rey Skywalker After the defeat of the Sith lord, Rey travels to Tatooine. 6. Tragically, the exertion involved in defeating Palpatine seems to take Rey's life, similar to how Luke Skywalker sacrificed himself by projecting a Force image onto Crait in The Last Jedi. Star Wars is a long-running Space Opera mega-franchise. Discovers that she is the Granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine and that she has one more trail to overcome and that is to defeat Palpatine and bring balance to the Force and peace to the Galaxy. In Star Wars Legends and Canon, Galen Marek (Starkiller) is the only Jedi other than Obi-Wan Kenobi to put a beat down on Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker. The only hope right now in defeating the newly-returned Palpatine seems to be Rey, ... they are able to channel the Force. Palpatine attempts to resume control of the galaxy, but Luke Skywalker, now a senior Jedi Knight, sabotages his plans. Encrusted Rant. Rey, later self-proclaimed as Rey Skywalker, is one of the three protagonists of the Skywalker Saga, serving as the protagonist of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Palpatine attempts to resume control of the galaxy, but Luke Skywalker, now a senior Jedi Knight, sabotages his plans. @Liv yeah palpatine should be number one. Heroes and villains are playable in Galactic Assault, Supremacy, and Co-Op.In order to play as a hero or villain, a player must first accumulate 4,000 Battle Points, which are earned by defeating enemies, supporting allies, and playing and … She is a Jedi Knight that fights to help the Resistance. Kylo can either kill Rey to earn the fleet, or find a way to defeat Palpatine with Rey by his side. A heroic death honored the title he achieved during the war, but instead of joining the living Force, the General of the Great Army of the Republic, the Hero with no Fear, encounters himself stranded in this strange world where the moon is shattered and speeders have wheels. After Rey sacrifices herself to defeat Palpatine, Ben becomes emotionally distraught over seeing Rey dead. She is one of the new characters of the series, and is the main protagonist of the sequel films, having debuted in Episode Vll: The Force Awakens. Palpatine was able to rather nonchalantly engage and defeat 3 Jedi masters in about 5 seconds in a 1 on 4 situation. She defends herself with her lightsaber, deflecting the lightning back onto Palpatine. I’m not a fan of the Last Jedi, but “Rey nobody” was the best thing of that movie. And now Abrams ruined everything with this “Palpatine’s granddau... Emperor Sheev Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious or the Emperor, is the main antagonist of the Star Wars franchise. Two huge questions that fans are asking: How Palpatine was able to secretly create these thousands of ships armed with Death Star weapons and how the rebels were actually able to defeat all of them. via After Rey sacrifices herself to defeat Palpatine, Ben becomes emotionally distraught over seeing Rey dead. There, in reflection and response to an appearance from a reunited Luke and Leia as Force spirits, she declares her name to be Rey Skywalker. Able to sense his most deeply hidden emotions, she is compelled to bring him back towards the Light. As they are both empowered by the bond, Ben uses the Skywalker lightsaber to defeat the Knights of Ren while Rey fights Palpatine's Sovereign Protectors. By the time of the events of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, her Force powers were such that after only a year of training, and with aid from all the Jedi from the past, Rey was able to destroy her grandfather, Sheev Palpatine by redirecting his Force lightning back at him. This is something of debate that has been discreetly going on for years, but I can't help but suspect Mace Windu didn't really defeat Palpatine (in a combat sense). "Palpatine revealed that every single voice Kylo ever heard in his head was all Palpatine, and demonstrated this ability as proof. All the other answers do a good job explaining this well, but George Lucas actually directly answered this question once and it's kind of brilliant... The Final Order. This is the exact move that Palpatine uses to take the jedi off-guard when Mace Windu comes to arrest him in Revenge of the Sith. Rey repeats the move two more times over the course of her short fight with Kylo. As far as I'm concerned, Palpatine is not "dead" right now and could come back at any time. Suicide even. Rey begins as a scavenger of the desert planet Jakku until she encounters … But we also see that she is not strong enough in the Force to do this on … Rey would've still ended up being the one to beat Palpatine. In the battle against There have been many discrepancies with the handling of the Emperor's return in the Skywalker saga's final chapter, with the film notoriously leaving the explanation to " somehow Palpatine's … Rey is able to force back Palpatine's lightning, disintegrating the Emperor into atoms and (probably) leaving no chance of resurrection. Rey is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise and the main protagonist of the sequel film trilogy.She was created by Lawrence Kasdan, J. J. Abrams, and Michael Arndt for The Force Awakens (2015), the first installment of the trilogy, and is portrayed by Daisy Ridley. Palpatine. What’s important here is that Rey is not Anakin. or you can use JE + droids Rey is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise and the main protagonist of the sequel film trilogy.She was created by Lawrence Kasdan, J. J. Abrams, and Michael Arndt for The Force Awakens (2015), the first installment of the trilogy, and is portrayed by Daisy Ridley. I assume Palpatine continued to project lightning for the same reasons he did in ROTJ: he simply lost control and was lashing out in a futile attempt to break through Rey’s defenses. Also they have the dyad, a power that would greatly enchance their combat skills and will fight as one. Contrary to what is said above, they WERE ready to fight. Exegol. Contrarily, Ben seeks Rey’s companionship and for her to join forces with him so that they might defeat Palpatine and ascend to power. The sequence begins with Palpatine shooting Rey with lightning. Poop on July 25, 2020: Revan is stronger than palpatine. Kylo can either kill Rey to earn the fleet, or find a way to defeat Palpatine with Rey by his side. However, Palpatine would likely try to convince Rey to join him, revealing to her that she is his granddaughter. We know this is an important distinction to Kylo. Emperor Sheev Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious or the Emperor, is the main antagonist of the Star Wars franchise. After a couple of more months of training with Leia, Rey was fully a Jedi. My Palpatine already has 80 percent potency so using his lead doesn't help his potency at all. "Hey, we should get going!" Rey received a second huge power boost against Palpatine receiving power from the dead jedis. It makes sense that we'd hear the voice of Samuel L. Jackson at the moment Rey is finally able to defeat Palpatine once and for all. Rey also recognizes the immense conflict in Ben. In The Rise of Skywalker, it is revealed that Rey is the granddaughter of Palpatine (also known as Darth Sidious). Rey, later known as Rey Skywalker, is one of the protagonists of the Star Wars franchise. While Kylo’s choices are pretty similar, the crucial difference is Rey. Plus, even as a padawan, Obi-Wan was able to defeat Palpatine's apprentice Darth Maul in combat. He is not able to accept that someone as strong as Rey, that was able to fight her own inner darkness and help him come back to the light, was gone. After her defeat of Palpatine, she founded the Order of the Skywalkers, a Force-based order which pratictioned the grey side of the Force, on Ajan Kloss. During the battle, Anakin, who had been known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, was redeemed by Luke and brought balance to the Force. "Palpatine revealed that every single voice Kylo ever heard in his head was all Palpatine, and demonstrated this ability as proof. Kylo is allegedly blasted into … A flesh and blood person wouldn't be able to control their body to keep moving and throw Palpatine. Everyone would've just spun their wheels in a different yet equally futile way while the galaxy waited for her to come along and settle things. The only weakness to that squad is droids. Either Palpatine toyed with Mace on purpose or Palpatine was caught off guard by how powerful Mace was. I vote he toyed with Mace. With Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver. She faced the truth. First let’s get three things in order 1: Sidious is one of the most manipulative beings in Star Wars, competing with the likes of Darth Traya, and... Tier: 9-A naturally. It's extremely hard to beat a team that is faster, like mine. There's no explicit answer for this one, but the film may have left clues regarding the mysterious origin of her new weapon. Sth, Rey, qui gon, and Palpatine. After being revived in an imperfect cloned body and having a "son" with no sensitivity to the Force, Palpatine saw his granddaughter as the perfect new vessel for his soul. 30 Stronger: Galen Marek. 9-A with NN-14. At their fullest potential Rey would be as powerful as Palpatine while Ben would have been as powerful as Luke or Vader. During the climax of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Emperor Palpatine claims that the spirits of every Sith who has ever lived now reside in him, and if Rey strikes him down, they will possess her, too. Ashi VS Rey (Completed) Rey vs Cal Kestis Rey VS Chris Griffin Giorno VS Rey (Completed) Rey vs Jyn Erso (Abandoned) Rey vs Korra (Completed) Wonder Woman VS Rey (Completed) Jedi Battle Royale Captain Marvel … Palpatine was killed for good when Rey deflected his Force lightning as it ricocheted back and melted his face off. He orchestrated the … After Rey kills Palpatine she dies and Ben comes back (he was thrown down deep pit) and transfers his life force to her to save her. With the help of his new apprentice, former Jedi Count Dooku, he was able to play … Tier: 9-C, higher with her … I don’t think he is alive. At all. First of all, Palpatine fell down a shaft that is presumably much, much deeper than the one Maul fell into while... Who exactly is Rey? In fact, even though I have an all-Jedi team, I look forward to teams that have Palpatine because it is an easy kill for me. Kira thought as she hoped that her grandfather Anakin would be able to help her and Rey defeat Palpatine together just like he defeated Palpatine just 31 years ago to save Luke from being killed. Palpatine kills Kylo Ren (after Kylo sacrifices himself for Rey). In The Rise of Skywalker, it is revealed that Rey is the granddaughter of Palpatine (also known as Darth Sidious). Since Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon would've been dead, Rey's story couldn't have happened. She is one of the new characters of the series, and is the main protagonist of the sequel films, having debuted in Episode Vll: The Force Awakens. He is not able to accept that someone as strong as Rey, that was able to fight her own inner darkness and help him come back to the light, was gone. He’s a very old man and likely too prideful … Another piece of The Rise of Skywalker that ruined Star Wars was the secret Star Destroyer fleet that Palpatine had assembled. Ben sacrifices himself, transferring his life to her using Force healing, and the two share a kiss before Ben Solo dies and vanishes into the Force. 7. To say that Palpatine was furious was an understatement. Liv on July 25, 2020: Palpatine does not deserve second place that is such bs. In fact, even though I have an all-Jedi team, I look forward to teams that have Palpatine because it is an easy kill for me. "Hey, we should get going!" If Palpatine stopped shooting the Force lightning, Rey wouldn't have been able to defeat him in this way. Palpatine in canon was never able to fully master this technique, which in Legends resulted in the usage of various clones combined with the transfer essence technique. This plays nicely with Palpatine’s fatal flaw of overconfidence and blinding arrogance. As Sarge pointed out, electricity makes muscles contract. Rey is still able to defeat Palpatine by channeling the strength of past Jedi, but the effort completely drains and kills her. Well, in this scenario, Rey is already at his side, so could they defeat Palpatine? Rey special, GS special, when RG taunts you just blast him to death with ani EP is 121 speed, STHan is 126 speed Rey, GS and Ani all have faster natural speeds than EP/SThan, with comparable mods you should be able to kill EP before his first turn. My Han has 228 speed. Obi-Wan wasn't able to defeat his old apprentice this time like he did years and years before on Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith. This was deemed so impressive that she was elected to retrieve Luke Skywalker from his exile and train as his apprentice. Could he even defeat a full-powered Palpatine-possessed Rey? While Kylo’s choices are pretty similar, the crucial difference is Rey. 9-A with … A powerful Force user, Rey was able to use various light and dark side powers, all without falling to one side or the other. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens: Directed by J.J. Abrams. These are all concepts Star Wars fans are still trying to make sense of well over a year after The Rise of Skywalker released in theaters. Instead, Palpatine could live on his restored body through the life force he drained from the Dyad, thereby defeating the remaining Jedi and positioning himself as the unopposed Galactic Emperor. Palpatine was killed for good when Rey deflected his Force lightning as it ricocheted back and melted his face off. In the prequel trilogy, he played a politician and mentor figure to Anakin Skywalker, but he was only wearing a convenient mask. Like the situation with Theon, if Ben wasn’t there Rey wouldn’t have been able to defeat Palpatine and save the galaxy. Rey can either join Kylo Ren and kill Palpatine, or face Palpatine as a Jedi and fail. She used both Anakin’s and Leia’s lightsabers to reflect his Force Lightning back towards him. I forget the exact quote, but someone said ‘A Jedi o... My team now is Lando lead. In a final act of redemption, Ben Solo … She used both Luke and Leia’s lightsabers to reflect that force lightning back on him. — Intro Dialogue Darth Vader is a Galactic Empire Hero in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront. Rey. Endor was proof enough of that. Rey defeating Palpatine in that manner was a solid Jedi moment. Rey goes to stop Ren, who, after being trained by the Sith monster who instructed Emperor Palpatine's master, has finally gone full Sith Lord, with a Darth Vader mask of his own. The jedi list includes Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, … However, Rey was able to defeat Palpatine with the help of Luke, along with Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ashoka, Mace Windu and many more Jedi from the past that put their power into her. At least, not when one of his ships had been taken down when trying to take down Kijimi. Rey Skywalker, once known only as Rey, was a human female Jedi Master who fought on the side of the Resistance in the war against the First Order. 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