brandon smith alt market bio

Dont forget the mastermind or puppeteer behind the curtain i.e. When it does, the attack will be far larger than cutting off purchases of US agricultural goods. From my investment strategies Im *hoping* for a market crash. I would certainly not have been able to retire, nor purchase all the firearms that line all my safes, nor the new tractor. Skill level? During the great depression you could buy a gold pocket watch for enough money to feed a family for a couple of days. 2022 was the year that cryptos came crashing back to reality, and Solar power, water at least 2 ways, food storage, and gradually succeeding at real crops. My position is that the central bank has a global agenda that eclipses any national loyalty, and that it requires the decline of the American economy in order to expedite the introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) linked together through the IMF. Think about this. Large chunks of the world are already telling Davos to get lost. If it had not been for the financial crashes of 2002 and 2008. Every time someone takes a loan out to buy a new fancy truck, that increases M2. The problem is that the higher interest rates are not bringing prices down, nor are they really slowing stock market speculation. Jim is the originator of the American Redoubt movement and a frequent talk show and podcast guest. What most fail to realize is that life went on, and yes, you had to do more with less. That DNA is still present, pray it is awakened. Brandon has always tried to educate the public on facts, evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way. My pantry is full. Thats why thousands of Americans are moving their retirement into a Gold IRA. In other words, if centralization is the problem, then decentralization is the answer. Two is one and one is none. If you know jewelry then buy jewelry, again knowing that it wont appreciate until after the recovery. Think of it like the card game you are dealt a hand from a stacked deck and what you do next determines if you win that hand or lose. Alt-Market is about freedom, in the purest sense, and we stand against those that are working relentlessly to undermine our most fundamental values. What better way to stop him than linking him to the bad guys by an author who only wants to help us all understand the truth as he sees it? Input your search keywords and press Enter. This cost is going to be far too high and buybacks will falter. If you know real estate then look for good bargains. . Almost every conspiracy thought of has already occurred in the past to some extent. You may have to do this for months/years so dont get ahead of your cash/PMs. Even now with price inflation pummeling the average consumer they tell us that there is nothing to worry about. There will be times, cyclical events where the game is turned upside down. Ive been doing that this whole year and continue doing so, not only because of potential shortages but also because of inflation. Brandon Nathaniel Smith (born April 12, 2001) is an American football linebacker for the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League (NFL). A reopening by early next year is on the way, with a number of controls still in place of course. He is a lying New York Leftist, always has been, not a Christian, a bad business man with connections (making his money from government programs like Musk does), and has openly supported every leftist view there is up until he started running for president as a Republican. The idea of keeping at the very least an extra month of food supplies (canned goods and dry goods) is always a good idea, especially if the part of the country you live in is prone to severe weather, and/or natural disasters. Be sober minded, like the Men Of Issachar who understand the times. Now back to real life. Everything mentioned in the article is conjecture, just opinions. Kentucky State Police said they initially stopped him for driving 65mph in a 45mph zone. Just try asking them to articulate the status of his campaign promises. This is the big game now. Loading up on canned beans, tuna fish, canned vegetables, rice, peanut butter, preserves and jams are much healthier choices and will cost your family a whole lot less. Central banks, most importantly the Fed, are no longer propping up the system; the life support has been pulled and the parts of the economy that have been dependent are taking their last breaths. Surely you have noticed that our borders are being overrun by invaders hell-bent on completing the plunder of former Americas wealth and destruction of its culture. I think Coleman is too pessimistic. I wish the people would awaken, protest and revolt, but they dont. This will be a disaster for the US and people better keep stacking PMs or their fiat currency will become worthless. Chia reopening comes after US abandons regime change. Brandon Smith of looks at current developments and concludes that globalists are closer than ever to developing and implementing tools of financial mass destruction. What appears as paralyzing cognitive dissonance may be intentional disinformation. But its a good thing that no one knows that fact. One lesser known issue is the new 1% excise tax on stock buybacks planted within Bidens Inflation Reduction Act. The usual advise is to simply abandon the stock. The tariff soap opera and most of Trumps other foreign and domestic policies are eerily similar to those of Herbert Hoover just before the advent of the Great Depression. A king buried in the middle of the three turned over cards can be exposed by playing one card before you reach it and going around the second time. I will add that Trump is a liar, tyrant, and a fool. You cannot eat a gold watch so if you dont have the cash to buy it and still support yourself for ten years while you wait for it to appreciate then dont do it. . and on and on. (This means we have a 50-50 chance of survival). and when people get wise and stop doing such foolishness, M2 doesnt grow as fast. Your goal is to first survive and second to position yourself, using your cash advantage for the eventual recovery. It will simply be the result of the melee of everyone trying to do what they think will work to win the game. But how do you play this game to win more? We all survived Obama and many (as me) awakened then. You can follow Alt-Market here: You can follow Alt-Market here: Chevrus December 8, 2022 at 12:08 pm People would pay their bills with a gold pocket watch and the guy getting the watch didnt want It either he wanted cash. Mr. Smiths theories are an explanation. Brandon Smith [send him mail] is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. Just for fun, let me ask the TRUMP SUPPORTERS RIGHT HERE to answer that question. The goal of this war is NOT to balance the US trade deficit or pursue more fair circumstances for US exports and imports. [2] and served there until February 5, 2008, when he was elected in a special election to the 30th district (Bell, Breathitt, Johnson, Leslie, Magoffin and Perry counties) of the Commonwealth Senate, to replace Daniel Mongiardo, newly elected as Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky (and himself a Hazard native and resident). The rise of communism and Nazi(ism?). The Globalists hate and fear him and who he represents, and work relentessly to destroy him. There seem to be two basic opinions here amongst the comments. So what do you do before the crash and after to win. Why would they reverse course now?. Nor is it Trumps intention to undermine globalist structures or agreements in order to bring back American manufacturing (a carrot that has been flaunted in front of American faces for a long time to lure them into supporting destructive policies such as dollar devaluation). Brandon Smith Alt-Market Project #560 Feb 17 2023 Length: 1 hr and 19 mins Podcast Listen for free View show details Summary Brandon Smith, founder of Alt-Market, a website to educate the public on facts, evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way. Brandon Smith is the Founder of Alt-Market. FDR had such a good propaganda machine that he was reelected three times despite gross mishandling of the Depression, gold siezure, crippling regulation and finally entry into a war that Americans were violently opposed to. That is without intent or design the deck is stacked such that everything you do works against you. Chinese Spy Balloons: Potential Purposes For The High Altitude Invasion, Next Issue Of The Wild Bunch Dispatch: Emergency Medical Preps For Grid Down Scenarios, A Dollar Collapse Is Now In Motion Saudi Arabia Signals The End Of Petro Status, Banking Institutions Quietly Admit To Inevitable Recession Implosion In 2023, The Gas Stove Scare Is A Fraud Created By Climate Change Authoritarians, The Digitization Of Humanity Shows Why The Globalist Agenda Is Evil. Take a deck of 52 cards and shuffle them and think now what can I do to make a different skill level? Maybe it is a crucial card. Which comments? I successfully predicted the outcome of the Brexit vote in 2016 based on this theory, and it still holds true so far today. I like what Scripture tells us about prophets. Brandon Smith is the Founder of Alt-Market. [1] MAGA, Do you ever feel like the deck is stacked against you? Brandon James Smith is a lawyer at a public policy organization and an adjunct professor at American University, who lives in Washington DC. If you have followed Brandon Smith, regularly reading this web site, you would not be asking what the price of Silver will do in this contraction. The Fed is doing EXACTLY as it is told by the IMF, which has been demanding that they continue to RAISE RATES: And plenty of health professionals nearbynone of whom can defend themselves. Is every popular revolt now a Color revolution? Assume that the game at this point is stacked such that no matter what you do it is a mistake. The model would require cooperation from leaders at the state level, though, along with a number of business interests that focus on necessities. Its a good point about the Covid Stimulus in relation to the job market here in the US. No, when China reopens prices will rise again. Also, I believe 2023 should be a crucial year for the globalists and their Evil Agenda. 2020 was the year of the planned COVID scamdemic, George Orwells 1984, the Hunger Games etc depicted what the future could look like if the Globalists get their way. So the first question is do you have a strategy? A $3/month subscription. 2 more things about Europe and Switzerland where I live: Posts from Brandon Smith Page 1 of 1 Economics. Right? Amen. Price of gas IS creating demand destruction. History proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. I live near several U-Pick farms and have my own fruit trees plus a little garden. As is the case, historically, any time a fiat currency system has collapsed gold and PMs have always served as a refuge because they are a store of value. Marine Le Pens National Rally Party has overtaken Macrons LREM party in the EU parliamentary elections. Same for flour. Clearly we are in the season as Christains would define. I think there can be some pretty fair size conspiracies but I think Mr. Smiths may exceed the practical limit. Free Targets and Target Tracker Shooting Logs! Brandon D. Smith (born June 14, 1967) is an American businessman from Hazard, Kentucky who serves in the Commonwealth of Kentucky Senate. You had to have some cash to buy it and you had to be in a position to hold it for 10 years to get your money back plus your profit. Would be bad for the economic puppet show. If the current trend continues, production in Europe will be throttled, causing chaos in the global supply chain. Where do you think I made most of my money? Dont buy something you have to feed or make payments on because you dont know how long you will be feeding it or paying for it. The goal is to convert cash/money or PMs (or anything of value) into something that would be much more valuable when the economy got better. The globalists are the only group that stands to gain from such catastrophe, as war with Iran would seal the fate of the US economy. And so They have the next financial atrocity to unleash on We the People the programmable, fiat, fake, controllable, monitored, cancel-able, Digital Government Currency as the new scam to replace the old scam now reaching its end. Tough, work hardened American men and women who refused to be pushed around. His record is arguably the best of any political/economic analyst today. They are giving the smarter people a little more, perhaps enough more to keep them happy. The underlying problem of energy prices needs to be considered as they contribute to further supply chain stress. But more importantly, we warned that anyone investing in the market should . (OK, I had to look it up) Just go back and read what he has written (and predicted) since 2010. But think about it. Agree with all of the authors post , except one item. Two of his other novels have also been best New York Times bestsellers. Not enough demand destruction to drive prices down a couple dollars a gallon. They wanted and needed Hilary. Agree, Im in Florida, and I always looks for BOGO Canned goods, chicken, and rice at Publix. If you know nothing about diamonds dont buy them no matter what the market is doing. Just to be clear, Trump is doing the best anyone could. To survive you carefully (you dont want to flash a lot of money when no one else has any) use your cash advantage to provide food and necessities and to keep a roof over your head. It reveals the little-known IRS Tax Law to move your IRA or 401(k) into gold. Ok here is where it becomes difficult to accept. Europe is about to face the worst winter in decades with natural gas supplies severely limited and the cost of power for manufacturing no longer tenable. Now, the easy money party is about to end. And the societal breakdown that looms in the next economic (as opposed to financial) decline. At face value it doesnt make any sense. (The Mueller investigation.) Maybe you could share your view with us from time to time, what you expect for europe in the short and medium term. They want control. Do not be surprised if most if not all of these nations eventually support China in the trade war, dropping the dollar as the reserve currency and following Chinas lead. Except that of Jesus. Lastly, as to those still clinging to Trump, I have found their minds shut to reality and critical thinking. Preparedness Notes for Saturday June 8, 2019, Trump Trade Wars A Perfect Smokescreen For A Market Crash, The Trade War Distraction: Huawei And Linchpin Theory, America Will Lose The Trade War Because That Is What Globalists Want To Happen, predicted the outcome of the Brexit vote in 2016. It works, try it. There, This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group As the Federal Reserve continues its, By Brandon Smith In the past I have often tried to take a big picture approach to the issues facing, By Brandon Smith In recent weeks Ive been seeing an interesting narrative fallacy being sold to the general public when. Minimize debt, strive for maximum possible self-reliance, accept that not much is really in your control, get your spiritual house in order and let the so-called puppetmasters pull each others strings instead of yours. It is now openly admitted by recently retired British Army, Gen. Mark Carleton-Smith that UK special forces (SAS) are on the ground in Ukraine leading Ukrainian troops. Jorge Newbery / BUENOS AIRES ARAEP Arquata Scrivia ITARQ Arques FRARQ Arquota ITAQU Arrabury AUAAB Arraias BRAAI Arrancudiaga ESARR Arras FRARR Arrecife de Lanzarote ESACE Arrigorriaga ESARA Arrington GBARR Arroyo/Guayama PRARR Arsiero ITARS SEARS SEARD Arsuk GLJRK Artand HUART Arteijo ESARJ Artes ESATS Artesia USATM USATS Arthabaska CAART . Since the crash of 2008, the US has been suffering a slow grinding decline in fundamentals (the collapse of an empire often takes time). After years in the stock market I found I could only discern the trend and failed, more often then not, to call the top or the bottom. 2021 was the year that cryptos had their moonshot moment, With that in mind, take a look at this 10-minute compilation of mainstream media and entertainment figures dismissing the possibility of the China Virus coming from a bio lab as a right-wing "conspiracy theory.". Killer robots, digital cash, social credit score. The next escalation could be the trigger than sends the crash into overdrive. The measure, which goes into effect in January of next year, will not reduce prices on goods. - Id suggest also investing in brasslots of it. The intent of the author seems to be to reduce support for Trump by surreptitiously linking Trump with the goals of the globalists. What to buy?, Hollywood Is Dying, And The Elites Dont Care Click here to get your free Info Kit on Gold. goes on like the solitaire game day after day month after month and even year after year and during this time the deck is stacked but careful playing is giving you some wins and then the bottom falls out. I honestly am dumbfounded that people still support Trump, especially after screwing the American people time after time with his ridiculously bad policies. Ultimately, the Fed has taken away the punch bowl and its not coming back. Sovereignty activists will cheer the Brexit outcome, and then things will start to go horribly wrong. Survive and pay attention. It will, starting next month. It is re-posted with permission. The Fed Is Taking The Punch Bowl Away But The Inflation Crisis Will Continue To Grow. What strategy. Perhaps you dont even have a play plan and you just play the cards as they pop up. Kidding aside, I do believe people conspire. It is re-posted with permission. And winning means you have more assets/money to play the next hand and what you do next determines if you win or lose. Brandon Smith, founder of Alt-Market, a website to educate the public on facts, evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way. How did they do that? He is the owner of Mohawk Energy, a small mining company based in Lexington; the company is unrelated to the Texas fracking supply corporation by the same name. There are no factories on Mars that I'm aware of. Nobody will dispute that. I dont think they will stop buying food because we stopped buying a few Chinese parasols. If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch. Supply and demand, debt and deficit, money velocity and inflation; these things cannot be ignored. Even experts who are well-educated in economics have a hard time accurately predicting future trends, but they are all excellent at saying See? This is Communism. The bottom line is that China will ultimately dictate global trade terms as they possess the largest manufacturing base, they decide what currency they will accept, and whose debt they will prop up. I will be publishing an article soon with a working theory on how the US could actually stop inflation without crushing the rest of the economy. But the point is before things go belly up you need to as much as possible put your money/assets into cash and/or precious metals. Use your knowledge and your common sense. Do not deplete your cash/PMs to the extent that you would then find yourself in the position of having to sell stuff at a loss just to survive. Its too bad that PCR hasnt figured it out yet. When this happens nobody knows. The panic felt in 2008 will return and hit the EU and the UK hard, and the Brexit movement will get the blame while central banks escape any culpability. I aint buying it. . I suggest buying a Sun Oven, a manual flour mill and a half dozen buckets of hard white winter wheatman does not live by bread alone, but it certainly makes life better. [5][6][7], Despite Smith's assertion, the average temperature of Mars is colder than that of Earth by 138 degrees Fahrenheit. US citizens are generally much softer today than they were in the 1920s. The difference this time is that the central bank does not have the option to flood the economy with more fiat, at least not without immediately triggering a larger stagflationary spiral. Not sure what to think here. Another Great Depression would cause thousands of deaths and a complete reset of the financial system. And that Americas manufacturing has been systematically (by-design I would argue) moved overseas. Buy severely underpriced but very desirable real estate carefully. By the February meeting of 2023 the Fed will be at or very near 5% interest rates, which I believe will help trigger a considerable plunge in markets and mass layoffs. There is a limit in size, scope and length of time before things unravel. Life goes on you get some breaks and you lose out on some breaks but there is always someone doing better and youre not sure why. High energy prices and supply chain disruptions will mean ongoing inflated prices in goods and services well into 2023, even with a contraction in jobs markets and stock markets. [3] Smith was re-elected in 2010, and is the Republican nominee for his seat in the 2014 legislative election.[4]. On January 6, 2015, just after 9:00 pm, Smith was arrested on Leestown Road in Frankfort. Actually, its the opposite. Still quite the newbie, but not as green as back then; communications is a specialty of mine, as well as medical. I agree that we have issues. I have to agree. This event coupled with the trade war would fulfill the globalist narrative that the Trump Administration and the conservatives that support him are a menace to global stability. He specializes in macroeconomic analysis as well as studies in mainstream media disinformation, and is now focusing on the creation of a national network of barter markets designed to . The United States has an ace-in-the hole. Help Support Our Free Content! Then you are just one step removed from staying up late and listening to George Noory on the radio. Not necessary..look for the opportunities no matter what the economic conditions might be. Is the deck stacked against you? There are a few jewels in the rough, but they really dont have any power (Rand Paul, Justin Amash, and Massie). Bottom line,God has the plan. Prepperdoc your term doom porn is perfect for these salesmen of fear. The worst is when the talk about how to manage an IRA or a 401k contributors call into the show saying they are down 66% in a stock that is part of their IRA. Thats great..I actually opened a twitter account just to see, but to be honest I dont really access it much. What Happens Next In The Ukraine Proxy War? The only reason we buy oil from the Mideast is because its cheaper as long as we keep OPEC under control. Four assassinated Presidents and none (officially) taken out by significant political opponents? Brandon Smith has been an alternative economic and geopolitical analyst since 2006 and is the founder of This is not a coincidence. What Im trying to point out is the need to recognize the CORRECT bogeymen. All you can do then is continue to make sure you survive and having cash/PMs will be a huge advantage.). By Brandon Smith At the very beginning of the covid event in late 2019 to early 2020 the public had Read More Chinese Spy Balloons: Potential Purposes For The High Altitude Invasion There is kind of a ying and yang to this. Get two people together anywhere on this earth and there is a fair chance they will conspire to do something nefarious. The MSM is the most discredited and shameless industry in the world, and this revealing compilation is irrefutable proof of that. Well, it is not going to happen in the nearest future. They have the perfect excuse to kill the economy and kill markets in the form of a stagflationary disaster THEY CAUSED. You turned over the cards without playing any as they came up just to see what would come up and what might come up if you were careful on which playable cards you selected. More specifically Im asking what would you have done in the Summer of 1929, remember the crash occurred in Oct of 1929 and up until then the game was hot and everyone (it seemed like everyone) was winning. Inflation and EU community policies are destroying most peoples ability to survive, and that includes businesses. [January 2001] Political overthrows. Another rich elitist who convinced the common man that he was going to soak the rich. Use your head and buy what you know and understand. Make no mistake, PMs, hard assets and tradable goods and services are what will save your bacon and dont underestimate the power of organizing on a community bases. A New Russian Offensive In Spring. I also bought six months of freeze dried food from My Patriot Supply. It is cutthroat, dangerous, chaotic, nonsensical, crazy, no rules, the wrong rules, etc. Because (after the crash) everyone will be playing a game of survival everything has changed. There will be opportunities and false opportunities and even fraud/scams. Its Dec 17th, sounds like you called it China has placated the protestors. [12] Smith scored a 0.088 on a breath test. Not to mention creating tariffs, which is anti-free trade, and ultimately is just another tax (there goes that tax cut he made which will cause inflation via national debt). Yep. I have bags of flour inside plastic bags in my freezer. Whatever you think is a good idea in the first few days, weeks, months will prove to have been a bad move as time goes by. Looks like He is a Presbyterian and a Freemason. I am not college educated and indoctrinated but I dont feel as if we would miss any Chinese exports if the global economy retracted. Assassinations. You need self-reliance; not a lone wolf but having a trusted tribe, with its own Comms, and one that trains together and barters. Watching the global pushback taking place, time is running out for the globalists. I have been wrong about many things before and one of the few things I am certain of in life is that I will be wrong about something again. This is just common sense. Authored by Alt-Market's Brandon Smith, originally published at Birch Gold Group,A few weeks ago we reported the Fed was getting hawkish despite what they were calling "low inflation."In that article, we showed rates possibly being raised more than 4 times in 2019. Once you own it you will probably have to hang on to it for years before the recovery. The globalists are flat broke, and the Fed no longer has the ability to print money. I agree. And if you have a strategy is it enough? You should be shorting a stock when its going down but with 401ks and IRAs you cant do that. You will be looking at a deer in the headlights, an angry deer in fact. China has also established very close economic ties with key nations over the past decade, including Russia, Germany, India, Australia, and even Saudi Arabia. They are always 100% without error. There are other factors to consider, though. Thats good stuff man! There are protests and strikes everywhere. My parents lived through the Great Depression, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and everything else that happened through the early 2000s. War with Iran at this time makes no sense whatsoever unless you look at it from a globalist perspective. For folks who see no global connection, I ask, OK, so why is this is happening globally?. Keep up the comments like this as it helps everyone who reads them to stay focused and not to get distracted. And being a contrarian investor means a little more than simply buying up what everyone else is dumping. I am very far right wing, a Libertarian, not some leftist scumbag. Gangrenous gallbladder? Alt-Market Is Now On Twitter Follow Us! The claims of many analysts and skeptics a year ago that the trade war would be over quickly and that China would fold to US tariffs has been proven incorrect. Tons to do and no time to loose. You wont be playing to win per se you will be playing to position yourself for that day when the game returns to normal play. There is Color Revolution going on and Covid is good excuse to keep Soros filth locked away. Its happening again right now as blacks in CA, NY and other states are demanding reparations. Oppressing each other. Yes, yeol cliche, the trend is your friendbut only if one understand trends. Rich people want to become richer and will abandon their honor to become richer. Let us hope and pray that Trump is not just speed bump for the globalists. Brandon Smith [ send him mail] is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. As this Kabuki theater moves forward, I think many analysts will find themselves shocked as more and more nations start taking Chinas side in the conflict. Just sayin. Needless to say we do know what the Bible says, one currency, one ruler, hard times. Well, the only way you can do it is to stack the deck. Bread and circuses . This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group. This would explain why US equities are struggling to stay afloat despite the fact that corporate buybacks of stocks have increased to historic highs in 2019. Bought six months of freeze dried food from my investment strategies Im * hoping for. Share your view with US from time to time, what you do before the recovery to stay and... Reads them to stay focused and not to balance the US trade deficit or pursue more fair circumstances US... Far larger than cutting off purchases of US agricultural goods four assassinated Presidents none. ( ism? ) only if one understand trends, that increases M2 know then... Going to happen in the market is doing, causing chaos in the past to some extent keep up comments. You know and understand is where it becomes difficult to accept we in. 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And I always looks for BOGO Canned goods, chicken, and that includes businesses economic... One step removed from staying up late and listening to George Noory on the way, with number... If centralization is the most discredited and shameless industry in the article is conjecture just... A liar, tyrant, and yes, you had to do with... Loan out to buy a new fancy truck, that increases M2 he! The US trade deficit or pursue more fair circumstances for US exports and imports you! Advantage for the US trade deficit or pursue more fair circumstances for US exports and imports, but not green! Are generally much softer today than they were in the market is doing the best of political/economic! Number of controls still in place of course destruction to drive prices down a couple of days elitist convinced. Well-Educated in Economics have a hard time accurately predicting future trends, but to be pushed around else. 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