People with this luck color have strong personality .Wearing Purple and shades of lavander color gives them self confidence, high self esteem and will power. Many people born on this day have a propensity for writing. In this system, age increases on a person's birthday. Qualities of Seven colors of Sun: Violet (Brijal color): Cool , cures tuberculosis and symbolysis diversity Indigo (Dark Blue): Cures fever and brings peace as it is cool. Don't like these colors? Blue (Sky Blue): It is also cool and it cures fever and symbolysis hope. The only information you need is the age of the person and the current date. Sign up now to get instant access to the kua calculator and your FREE REPORT plus weekly feng shui emails and resources to help you unlock your feng shui good fortune. Katie provides fun and practical feng shui solutions to everyday problems and situations. EDIT - Reworded for clarity Dont want to miss the hottest topics and content you might like? So be very attentive to the kind of colors that will make your life more positive and vibrant. You only become one year old on the anniversary of your birthday. Holiday Printables. function getCheckedValue(e){if(!e)return"";var c=e.length;if(null==c)return e.checked?e.value:"";for(var t=0;t