A bridge stretches from the west of the Tower of Hera to an island in the clouds. It is always safest to keep your back to the wall when trying to fight them. Walk down and make your way back to the northwest corner of the room, heading back up the stairs. You will eventually discover a way to cross the gaping hole in the bridge. Furthermore, if you toss in an empty Bottle, she will fill it with Green Potion for free before returning it to you. You can hurt them and dispose of them easily enough, but you must always take care to notice what lies directly behind you, because you are sure to hit it when you strike the Pons. There is a Tail Worm and two small fire-breathing Kodondos trapped behind barriers. BPM. On a sunny day, you can see the volcano from anywhere in Hyrule! You'll need to go across an invisible pathway however. At any point in the quest, Link can return to this cave and speak with the Old Man, who will replenish Links health. Step into the warp portal to return to the higher floor. Once Link arrives in the Dark World, he will change form, turning into a helpless rabbit. If Link enters that cave and bears left, then he will come across a cracked wall which if bombed will lead him to the Death Mountain Shop. If you drop through the top left hole in the floor, you will fall a long way down. The caves, long thought to be refuge for early Hylians, have been taken over by mountain beasts. Items:Dungeon Map, Big Key, Compass, Moon Pearl, Heart Container, Pendant of Wisdom Finally, there are special Fairies, such as Venus the Queen of Fairies and the Cursed Fairy, who can upgrade your items and carrying capacity. Also, just as at the Waterfall of Wishing, if you throw an empty Bottle into the fountain, the Cursed Fairy will return it to you filled with Green Potion. Explore the many caves and ledges along the way, uncovering treasures and clues as you go. Legends tell of a magic Moon Pearl that allows people to retain their human forms in the Dark World. The Death Mountain trails are only passable with the help of the other Gorons, being this is the only way to get to the very top of the mountain. Walk back up a screen and make sure the orange blocks are raised before heading left. Moldorm appears to be a gigantic Tail Worm. Attached to the outside of the Desert Palace is a little plateau area. When it's safe, unlock the door at the top and proceed back downstairs. Small Fairies will heal 8 hearts of Link's Life Meter upon making contact, and you can also catch one with a Bug Catching Net and keep it in a Bottle, and it will revive you if you ever fall in battle. The sign outside the Mountain Tunnel (A) forbade travelers to pass unless they had permission from the King. You'll be outside here in the Dark World. Items:Flippers, Magical Boomerang, Fire Shield, Medicine of Magic, Bomb Upgrades, Arrow Upgrades, Bottle #3, Magic Mirror, Warp Tile They will completely restore your health, but you must come to visit them at their Faerie Spring in order to receive this benefit. Go inside to discover the Ice Cave. The area is littered with enemy Dairas, Octoroks, and Bago-Bago. Bludo and Yunobo work together to drive the Divine Beast away to keep contained. The Fire Temple, the second dungeon in the future Hyrule, is located inside the Death Mountain Crater at the very top of the mountain. Go into the cave in front of you and grab your Heart Piece. In either case, step on the stars on the floor to change where the holes are in the room. All of the enemies on Floor 3 are the deadly Pons. Stepping on Star Tiles changes the position of some pits. Faeries are devoted to local Faerie Queens who will also aid you in your quest. In the following room, two Fairies await. As long as you don't get off on the wrong foot, Virginia can become an ally. Enemies:Buzz Blob, Sand Crab, River Zora, Deadrock, Boulder It is far too dangerous, Link!Renado. A note on the luck indicators you get after dropping in Rupees: It seems to refer to enemy drops for the next ten enemies you defeat. In the large hub room on 1F where you obtain the Bow from the big chest, go up the steps in the northern part of the room, and from the high ledge, drop into either of the two jars. Link later uses a large volcanic rock from the eruptions to thaw the frozen Zora's Domain. On this cliff is a large green stone. In the game's Second Quest, the dungeons on Death Mountain are Level 4, found in the Lost Hills, Level 8, west of the waterfall, and Level 9, in the northwestern most corner of the map. One of the caves in Eldin Volcano is also shown to contain Rupee Ore, while the rocks on Death Mountain are known to be a good source for Rupees, which indicates that both share similar geological compositions that allow for the formation of Rupees and Rupee Ore, another indicator that they may be one and the same. Death Mountain serves as the location for Goron Target Practice. The Old Man will then walk inside of this small cave. Inside, Link will find a Mysterious Pond where he can throw certain objects into the water. One screen west of the Bomb Shop, dash into the rock pile and then go inside the secret grotto you discover. From the grand foyer, a stairway on the left leads down, another on the right leads up to the 3rd floor and beyond. Destroying the Stalfos does nothing to change the room, but there is one other trick to try. Walk up a screen, left a screen, and then up two screens. From the start of the dungeon, slash at the crystal switch to lower the blue blocks. DANGER! What you have to do is go to the Dark World equivalent of the Death Mountain entrance, 'cept it's in the Dark World. Drop into the northernmost of these holes, and you'll fall through a long series of jars before landing among two Fairies! After Link has completed all three stages and defeated the Dodongos, the Green Maiden is rescued. You will need to have acquired 500 rupees in order to purchase the Flippers, so if you havent found all the secret rupee locations, be sure to check back to the previous chapter. From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Cherry blossoms are visible along Hains Point in Washington, Monday, Feb. 27, 2023. Be careful not to fall down the holes here, as they will take you back to the previous floor. You'll eventually come to a small house. You must travel northwest of the Sanctuary in the Light World, past the entrance to the Dark World. The Heavy Faerie is a Faerie Queen whose beauty was stolen by Gannon. Attached to the outside of the Desert Palace is a little plateau area. There is also a Star Switch situated precariously next to a rotating bar of fire. However, the tall Death Mountain managed to stay above water. By jumping off the north side of Spectacle Rock, you can now reach the Tower of Hera. You start the game with the ability to hold 10 Bombs and 30 Arrows. Walk down and to the left to find an area of land. Due south of the entrance to the Eastern Palace, if you keep going south, you'll eventually come to a dead end with a ring of posts in front of a cave. Go south out of the door there, and you'll be on the plateau. If you recall, lighting all four torches was the key to completing the Desert Palace dungeon. Swim back right and down a screen to return to Lake Hylia. There is a lake on the east end of Death Mountain which flows into a Waterfall, which in turns flows into a river that runs into Lake Hylia. But this will also free the Tail Worm in the process. Paradox Cave is a popular location to check for progression items since it contains seven 5 on the 1F floor accessed through the upper entrance in lower East Death Mountain and 2 on the B1 floor. Getting this heart piece right after getting the Flippers from Zora at the waterfalls will make your life much, much easier. To get it, go to the Misery Mire area of the Dark World. 25 KB 1280 x 512: PNG: 40: Cave to Kakariko Village. Inside the cave you'll find not only the Pond of Happiness, but if you bomb the east wall, there are four Fairies on the other side as well. A small isolated hole will appear near the north-central portion of the room. Us Gorons eat rocks, ya know. As you start out on the Pyramid in the Dark World, leave the Pyramid and head east. If you don't get the Heart Piece on the first try, leave the screen, come back, and try try again. If you continue up to the fifth floor, you will discover many holes there, as well. Depending on the state of the Crystal Switch in the previous room, one of the blocks will be raised, and the other lowered. When you reach the other side, you will discover another system of caves and tunnels. You'll eventually come across an opening in the edge, allowing you to jump down. To get to this heart piece, however, you have to first have access to . Now that you have some bombs and/or the Pegasus Shoes, you can blast open the walls on the west side of the screen. If you break the sealed door and reunite the brothers (with a Bomb), you gain access to the other side of the house. BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets, Color Changing Tingle's Love Balloon Trip, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link locations, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past locations, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time locations, The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords locations, The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures locations, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess locations, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds locations, The Legend of Zelda animated series locations, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild locations, A section of Death Mountain as it appears in the. I've marked the location on the map above but it's easy to spot as you'll find three bodies . Doing this horizontally seems to be more comfortable than vertically. Most of the exterior mountain area is known as the Death Mountain Trail. The volcanic Death Mountain is located in the far northeast reaches of Hyrule. Buy it for 100 Rupees and carry it with you to the cracked wall at the Pyramid of Power. This is the Lumberjack's House. The tunnel is dark, with only a small area for visibility. Go through the series of rooms to get back to the Sanctuary and then exit to get back to the Overworld. Want to contribute to this wiki?Sign up for an account, and get started!Come join the Zelda Wiki community Discord server! However, if he instead goes South, he will find a series of caves. Use this site if you want to play along! You will immediately notice an arrangement of raised blue blocks and lowered orange tiles, as well as a Crystal Ball at the entrance. The top of Death Mountain can be reached from outside the Goron City barrier, but the path is dangerous as the mountain will erupt, sending out a spray of rocks. 1, Nintendo Official GuidebookThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Kakariko Village (Four Swords Adventures). Walk to the left side of this screen and you will find a waterfall. You've dealt with this before, and this time is no different. Nintendo Official GuidebookThe Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Vol. With your Pegasus Shoes, run into the tree to knock it over, revealing a hole in the ground. The final upgrade for both the Bombs and Arrows is a 10-capacity upgrade, giving Link a maximum of 50 Bombs and 70 Arrows. After throwing in an item, a fairy will appear, asking Link if he dropped the item. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Death Mountain/Caves (Light World) Map Map for Super Nintendo by StarFighters76 - GameFAQs The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Guides and FAQs. The Tower of Hera is only accessible in this way. Go up this ladder, and go east. Once you start heading eastward, the water pathway will split. The floors in the Tower of Hera are riddled with holes, and people who fall into them disappear from sight and land elsewhere in the tower. The descriptors of "Good Luck" and "A Little Luck" don't change the drop rate noticeably. From King Zora, walk directly southward to find a waterfall. The second Fairy fountain is on 3F. You will return here once you use the key you just collected to unlock the door near the map on the second floor. Walk up the pathway, heading to the northwest. Pull the right-hand side switch (the left-hand side one will drop some bad guys on you). In the northwestern area of the mountain is Spectacle Rock. It's completely random, I repeat, COMPLETELY RANDOM, where the Heart Piece will show up, so keep digging. 17:08 The race has begun! This is the only time he straightens himself. Speak to him and then continue right to the next screen. 26 KB 1280 x 512: PNG: 41: Spectacle Rock Cave. Go across the pathway to the door on the other side. Just outside of the Pond of Happiness, jump into the water and swim to the northeast. As if the Pons weren't bad enough to deal with, a few Bumpers are also placed on the floor for good measure. You can defeat them if you'd rather not have to deal with their fire breath. Take the southern-most pathway and head eastward. The Tower of Hera and Rosso's Ore Mine are found on the Hyrulan Death Mountain. Head through, and you'll encounter a room with three Tail Worms, two of which are located behind orange blocks. Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past - Death Mountain ATO .mid by ViperXZero. Alas, the treasure chest that holds the magical item is blocked off by a hole in the floor. Take the south path at the next turn and walk to the wall on the right. Death Mountain is the location of the "untranslatable slab" (no known official name) in the Light World, and Ganon's Tower in the Dark World. Drop into either hole to fall into a jar leading to a secret room with three Fairies. Follow the edge of this cliff once up the ladder. One subscription across all of your devices. Directly east of you will be three Fairies. Avoid the pitfalls in this cave and walk to the far right side of the room. In the room where you obtain the Map, simply set a Bomb against the east wall, and go through the opening you create to find three Fairies. There are four regular blue Pons here and one even stronger red Pon to deal with, in addition to the usual holes. Title. The portal looks like a mark where a River Zora will pop out from, but this one never disappears. Make sure to leave the Switch set to the orange color before you leave. There is a Lost Old Man living on Death Mountain as well. 32 KB 1024 x 1056: PNG: 42: Sacred Grove. Grab Piece of Heart #11 that is nearby and then jump off the ledge to the north. Another effective strategy is to charge your spin attack and approach while holding B. However, if you instead step on the Star Switch, you will discover that the holes move about the floor, and that it is now the raised block which has a hole in front of it, which will allow you to pass over the lowered block to the room above. Once the Pegasus Shoes are obtained, head over to the Sanctuary, which borders Death Mountain at the north end of Hyrule. In the Light World, head all the way up Death Mountain. As you start out on the Pyramid in the Dark World, leave the Pyramid and head east. After purchasing the Zora's Flippers, swim away from Zora's Waterfall west to the next one, the Waterfall of Wishing. Lorule has its own version of the Death Mountain. There is a narrow pathway heading northward, so go ahead and take it. It stands between the climber and the Tower of Hera, and it appears that there is no way to scale its sheer sides. Paradox Cave is a popular location to check for progression items since it contains seven - 5 on the 1F floor accessed through the upper entrance in lower East Death Mountain and 2 on the B1 floor. Contains one item. Like Death Mountain, it is an active volcano however it is far more active volcano than Death Mountain is and is inhabited mainly by the Mogmas and Bokoblins, instead of Gorons. This is the Thief's Hideout. Home | Zelda III Map Select | Prev Map | Next Map. Playing in Open mode on Standard difficulty with the seed 179144398: http://vt.alttp.run/randomizerFor more Zelda, SUBSCRIBE! Once Link and the Old Man walk by the next cave, the Old Man will thank Link and give him the Magic Mirror! Type: Faerie & Small Fairies. Proceed carefully down the right side of the room and to the center. In the next room up are a couple Fairies flying around. Like nearly all incarnations of Death Mountain, this one is inhabited by Tektites and contains falling boulders. This Heart Piece is actually impossible to not see, but you still don't have to get it (if you're one of those psychos who like doing "elite" quests and the like.) Link can oftentimes find himself going in a circle or even reaching dead ends if he doesn't properly know the way through the mountain. Continue walking north for two more screens and then head east to reach the Potion Shop once again. Defeat all of the enemies, and collect the Small Key. This is no easy task, as Moldorm never holds still, and rarely travels in a straight line. In other words, go to the same cave in the Dark World that's in the Light World that leads to the cave system that brings us up to Death Mountain, to the northwest of the Sanctuary. This Fairy fountain is in the exact same place in the Dark World as its counterpart was in the Light World. Go inside this cave, and at the end, you'll find four Fairies to catch or heal from. Initially, Link can throw either 5 or 20 rupees. Locations:Zoras Waterfall, Waterfall of Wishing, Mysterious Pond, Death Mountain, Dark World. Sahasrahla will send you a telepathic message urging you to find the famous pearl. At the northwestern end of Kakariko Village, you'll notice a suspicious looking hole just sitting there in the northwestern part of the town. Now you have a choice. Larger human-sized Faeries occupy fixed locations in certain springs throughout Hyrule. After a rough start to winter, the snow gods have given area ski fanatics a late winter gift -- fresh powder with more to come. Now, head west a screen. Follow the narrow water pathway up a screen and left a screen to reach the bridge. When you are ready, head upstairs to fight for the final pendant. Go north from the entrance, then bear west, then south, and then west again through the door. If you go onto these highlands, you'll notice that there are some large green rocks in your way. After five sword slashes, Moldorm will start moving significantly faster around the room. In Vanilla aLttP, this cave contained the Cane of Byrna, an optional item that protects Link from harm in exchange for a slow drain of magic. What? The Flippers are a required item and they will allow Link to swim in deeper water. Upon landing in the cave below, follow the watery path north to the next room, where you'll meet a Great Fairy. If you go to the location of the Blacksmith's House in the Dark World, which is, in essence, due east of the Village of Outcasts, you'll find that there are many stakes in the ground beyond some stones in front of the house. BPM. Also, after the seven years in which Link was asleep, because it holds the Fire Temple (that became corrupt due to Ganondorf's reign of terror on Hyrule), Death Mountain Trail became one of the areas with perpetual eerie dark clouds overhead, not unlike the destroyed Hyrule Castle Town. This mountain range is home to a maze-like network of caves full of ravenous enemies that Link has to pass through. Traditionally, one needs the King's permission to enter the mountain, but the good king has been dethroned by Agahnim. That trick works here too. You'll be south of a man on a cliff. Level 6 is also located on Death Mountain. Use the Magic Mirror there to warp back to the Light World. A landmark of Hyrule visible from several locations, it is home to the Goron race. In order to get the key, you must hit the Crystal Switch and lower the orange blocks that surround it. In the Dark World, in the exact same location as the Great Fairy on the way to the Eastern Palace would be in the Light World, you'll find this cave near the Palace of Darkness grounds. Better, if you leave this cave. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . At the end of said plateau is the heart piece. Enter into this building and go into the basement. When you enter through, you will see two Stalfos, and four unlit torches. Additionally, Link can now use the various Zora Waterways found throughout Hyrule. Like the others, this Monolith is inscribed with a message in the old tongue, so only one who has the Book of Mudora can decipher it. Now, dig in his field. You'll now be atop Spectacle Rock. Use your Magic Mirror to warp back to the Light World and you'll be on a cliff high above the Desert of Mystery. Swim into it and it will take Link to Lake Hylia, located at the southeast corner of the Overworld. Scattered through both the Light World and Dark World are beings called Fairies. 18:45 Jaejo36#6545 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:37:19! Cross the invisible walkway up ahead (use the Ether Medallion to see it), and bomb the north wall on the other side. Ignore the cave here and instead climb up the rather large staircase. The Lost Hills are located directly east of Death Mountain. Behind the old man here is a faulty wall. https://strategywiki.org/w/index.php?title=The_Legend_of_Zelda:_A_Link_to_the_Past/Death_Mountain&oldid=797340. This will transport Link back to the Light World. In order to reach it, Link must possess the Magic Hammer and travel due East from the Tower of Hera. It's steep, but pay the price. He mindlessly wanders around his den, but he likes to keep it clean. Ignore the first gap, going farther east until you come to another gap in the edge. Death Mountain appears as the first level in the Ocarina of Time branch. Thanks toH. Herbert-Lovern for providing the origin of the Paradox Cave name and to Avonyel for providing a correction. You'll come across a bridge that has some stakes blocking your path. You can defeat the enemies if youd like, but you really just need to get the small key. Go south across the bridge and approach the water to the south of you. When you finally discover how to use the mysterious Warp Tiles, it opens up a whole new world: the Dark World. When you finally climb to the high plateau near Spectacle Rock, you'll see the glimmering tile that transports you to a different, but strangely familiar, world. On top of Death Mountain in the Dark World, in the eastern part of the region, lift a large stone to reveal a secret grotto and go inside. Use the pegasus boots to dash quickly, and you will go through Moldorm without getting knocked aside and pierce through his tail. He prefers to turn frequently, and his motion is hard to predict. Blue and orange Crystal Switches are found in several Hyrulean palaces, and the Tower of Hera is no exception. Enter the western of the twin entrances and then hookshot across the gap with shallow water (there's a barely visible pot on the other side) to find four Fairies waiting for you. Toss in the Bow & Arrows or Tempered Sword, however, and she will upgrade them into the Bow & Silver Arrows and Golden Sword, respectively, before she gives them back. You enter the tower in the 2nd floor. Directly south of this cave, Link can see part of another cave that is along the cliff. Be sure to stop before you charge off the edge of the stage and face inward again. If you have the Hammer, you can clear them. When you have a clear path, head up through the locked door. You'll eventually reach a grassy area. In a single-player game, Tingle will occasionally appear in an attempt to collect Force Gems. Anyway, enter into said cave. The Heart Piece is right on this rock, so grab it. 18:56 Shinmaru#3292 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:47:50! Go down into the underground via this staircase and claim your heart piece in this hidden cave. A Link to the Past Walkthrough Tower of Hera. There, you will come upon a mysterious tile that glimmers in the light. Cross the bridge and then head up a screen along the left side. On the lower level of eastern Death Mountain, you'll find two cave entrances right next to each other at the end by a cul-de-sac. In Kakariko Village, there's a building to the north end of the town that's different than the rest. Open it up, and discover the Big Key inside. Defeat the enemies in this room if youd like to make things easier. This portal will take Link to the Dark World. The shop is one of the more obscure locations in the game, and like the other shops in the Light World, it need never be visited in order to complete the game. After a few moments, Link can walk back up to the pond once again and is given the option to throw more rupees in. Death Mountain is accessible by a trail from Kakariko Village. Link can use the southern wall as somewhat of a safety net, as if Moldorm bumps Link into that wall, he will not fall of the ledge. The province of Akkala is located on its eastern side, while the Great Hyrule Forest is located west of the mountain with Eldin Canyon and the Eldin Mountains regions in between. You first discover how to travel between the Dark and Light Worlds when you reach the summit of Death Mountain. One screen east of the Graveyard, you'll find a single bush within a ring of tall grass by the river. Its own version of the Paradox cave name and to Avonyel for providing the origin the! Forms in the Dark World a little plateau area south across the,. To jump down will pop out from, but this will also free the Tail Worm in Light... A few Bumpers are also placed on the floor to change where holes... Farther east until you come to another gap in the far northeast reaches Hyrule. To travel between the climber and the Tower of Hera is only accessible in hidden! Go down into the rock pile and then head up a screen, come back, and try again. 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