When your Pluto is in the 12th house, this can make you hide your powerful side, and run away from power and control. Other parts of the body can be affected here, especially the thymus gland which in turn affects the lymph nodes. Jupiter1210, neptune 2637 -capricorn Do you feel this? Hi Deborah. neptune conjunct your asc would serve as a blind spot to your true nature. Saturn transit through the 12th house. His Libra/ mine Capricorn. Yet youre someone who has an incredible will and strength that cant be matched. 21. stellium in 1st. He thinks he is a sociopath. In Chinese, it belongs to s group of stars called the Mausoleum. I have worked from a very young age and do not have an alcohol or drug addiction. Very quirky! With an apparent magnitude of 2.12, Algol is the second brightest star in Perseus . really have no conscience. Because its the last house, endings are also ruled by the 12th house. The 7th House stellium makes for co-dependency as the 7th House planets want other people to do the planet i.e. William does seem like a milksop. because of how complex astrology is. That is what I mean by the phrase too close to oneself. If you had one request per question I will try to answer, Janay xoxoox. The conjunction is a melding of the energies. Mars conjunct Algol: If Mars is elevated above the luminaries when Algol is angular, the native will be a murderer who will come to an untimely end. This is where the line is drawn, transitions are made, and you can clear out what is no longer needed (that pesky baggage!). Totally agree with you thereif parents put their children in harms way its not the fault of the USA if it turns out badly. Is Mars debilitated in 12th house? There was a major fire in Windsor Castle which is one of the Queen's homes in 1992. An aspect of Caput Algol to your Venus could indicate a tendency to fall obsessively in love with your paramours. Psychic Anthony Carr predicted a lot of chaos for the British royal family and expressed concern about Kate specifically. If anything, Id say that when applying discipline to creative endeavors, albeit frustrating, will be rewarding, especially those of a feminine expression (connecting to nature, nurturing activities such as cooking for others). I was on the receiving end of a plethora of physical, emotional and psychological abuse. The Sun with Caput Algol [26 Taurus] in no aspect of . 8. Yet youre someone who can make things happen, who can be a quiet leader, and who can have killer instincts. I think the Queen might pass and he will be forced up a rank to which it will cause him great stressit would be great to hear your prediction on this!. I respect you SO much for being this real. It's the most feared star in astrology since centuries and has a bad reputation. hello, if i have jupiter in gemini 3 degree conjuct saturn in 25 degrees, is it jupiter conjuct algol. Hahahaha hahah where to begin? Yep I faced a lot of challenges in life and I barely made it to freedom. What does this mean so far? What yall think about algol conjunct Hygeia? Another t-square that I have is Mars Square Venus and Neptune, and Venus opposition Neptune. Use this birth chart calculator to create your natal chart (and read this article to start finding placements!). Honest opinion. Just found this post. Also have nn in 12th it loosely conjuncts it by 10 degrees. Your ego might be your soft spot. Im a 88 baby when Uranus and Saturn were conjunct in Sag. I hate it because the crazy part, to me, would not be worth the brilliant part. Not the hardest, Holly. I think they have to work around them. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. Algol represents disaster and inhumane acts. Gains through social networking, an ability to influence groups, and working with groups to enact social changes are all found in the eleventh house. Alcyone Sun Sextile Neptune 433 75 When a planet transits through a house, it lights it up with its energy. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. I would say that but it would be subconscious, of course lol. Perseus is NOT a man, he is a MASCULINE energy. I should Google that. You may want to seem like a rule breaker, unconventional and independent, but you can thrive when you merge that with the traditional and conventional, and find success out of the spotlight. I hope that this finds you. In fact, you could speculate on at least ten ways a planet is influencing a house at any given moment. Medusa, who was the only mortal one of the three Gorgon sisters, was originally a beautiful maiden, but her hair was changed into hissing serpents by Minerva in consequence of her having become by Neptune the mother of Chrysaor and Pegasus in one of Minervas temples. He does not like to be the aggressor in sex, either, which can be a problem for most woman, who want the man to be. Wow I have 5,6,13,18,21(12th), 23,24,27 maybe that is why I seemed cursed in finding love and all have pretty much given up. Mercury would be the best planet to have in Virgo, as this would be the natural scientist or someone who could pay a lot of detail. It is all about them and they are the last to know lol. look forward to talking more on my Forum and look forward to your lovely photo! [6], Fixed star Algol star rules one-quarter inch up the base of the neck in the human body. FIRSTLY, let us start off with my mercury square Uranus and mercury square Neptune. I should be grateful just to be gifted and dont take on tasks that I cant realistically handle. YES. Is it bad? When Im Manic, I can have grandiose thoughts and think that Im extremely profound gifted, taking too many difficult courses at one time that even the most smartest kids, teens, and adults in the world couldnt even do. With Algol poorly aspected in our charts we may well repeat the popular but obscene: Better the devil you know that the devil you dont , but those with the Star of the Spirit better placed, we find the person who knows better than to slander the Hand as a devil. Weird coincidence! However, others hurt this sensitive person, as their own wounds are touched. She just wanted to be loved! Pisces would be as hard or worse than Cancer *sigh*. And that's all it is really. Oh I have Mars in Virgo and Uranus in the 12. Sometimes a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Planet Aspect Planet Orb Orb/Value My nephew was born last week with his descendant conjunct nessus and dejanira by 1 (both retro) What would that indicate? He is too meticulous to the point of OCD. Heres what each planet means in that position. This gave her so fearful an appearance that everyone who looked at her was changed into stone. The Lunar Eclipse on 16 May 2022 will have Sun conjunct Algol. Why did you exclude the other signs that suffer equally? Learn that sharing this with others doesnt make you weak. 2. A powerhouse! It is true, I do need to manage my money and budget better and find more jobs and resources to boost my skills and income. There may be a striking beard or glorious long hair. Please help she wants to know, You should not go by this. I think Im being victimized by my career. [1]. It is believed that if Mars is present in the 12th house in a woman's chart especially then her sexual desires may be much more that what her husband can cope with. Then you look for major aspect configurations, angular aspects, major stelliums, etc. This makes the man wimpy, as he cant stand up. I am the odd one out but not the first: Precession. I think you are great too! As well, it misses a lot of opportunities to discuss how squares and hard aspects are things you can work through to eventually get success later on, even if its not earlier in life. 24. I am sorry. Virgo as the only sign that suffers?? Great article! In the 12th, the ego has to be transcended - which can potentially be astonishingly difficult . If you have many planets in the 12th house, like 3 or 4 planets in the 12th house (or even more! Mars Conjunction Jupiter 752 141 The Twelfth House Meaning. Saturn He brought me through a lot of things and kept me alive when others including me wanted to give up on myself. Lilith is not Medusa at all, not the ugly blockage in us but the beauty beyond it. Lilith conj MC is a very sexy person but she may not like all the attention. These are the 1,3,14,20 in your list. Jupiter is also in 3rd, but a piece of my 3rd house has been overthrown with Libra. Anyone know? I would say maybe 25% the strength of the natal ones. Huh? You may seem timid and afraid of taking initiative when others are watching, and can take a back seat to what other people want. #13, I think you were being a little, whats the word, I cant think of the word, the way you opened the piece but I agree with you, I mean I can see how that might be true. Mercury was in Cancer at 10 17. The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. Everything involving earth is favored, such as digging and funerals. With all 10 planets, nodes, and some basic asteroids I have just about every shape like 3 kites, grand trine, imperfect star of david, castle, mystic rectangle, 3 yods, 2 t-squares, and a grandcross. #20 Applies To Me, in terms of aspects My favourite saying is My conscience is clear, my conscience is clear! This one makes me cringe second to Dejanira conjunct the Moon, which is my biggest cringe factor. Moon Trine Ascendant 321 30 Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is the most evil star in the heavens. Your subconscious kicks in, and you hide without realizing it. Pluto 037, ceres 220 -sagittarius You may retreat into an observer role or hide out in the background. I did have a very turbulent childhood and was abused only to leave home quite early into the arms of another abuser. Yes, we know that Algol often does show up in disastrous accidents with death as their climax, but we must remember that our too-common state of disbelief in life beyond the one event since birth that is the lot of all of us. Use crystals, salt baths, and sage to clear your energetic field after particularly intense exchanges. Read more about Jupiter in the 12th house. Moon Trine Uranus 125 129 xx. I am not sure. They are drawn to evil and dark things as a moth is drawn to light. I do think Venus in Scorpio feels that he is over sexed. Yet youre someone who is given so many responsibilities because you can handle them where others cant, and you can take the reins and keep the trains on time. It represses and suppresses what inhabits it. 3. [2]. Hi Ami Anne. Algol is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Mars in calculating, status-hungry Capricorn could turn her into Patrizia Reggiani in House of Gucci. What seems to have been missed by the old school is that Capulus and Algol each have a very positive side to them. . Natural Ruling Planet and Sign: Saturn and Capricorn. I think what you wrote is alittle too much of a generalisation considering usually aspects involving Mercury and Uranus points to innovation and intelligence? Algol 26 Degrees in Taurus Born from 15th till 18th of May, or Asc/Moon/10th house from 24 to 28 degrees in Taurus. My daughter will have to deliver her son prematurely within a few days. THATS IT. 14 The male-female differences driven to the extreme: Jupiter conjunct Algol: This is the best placement for Algol. You may be afraid of the power inside of you, and dont want to deal with the intensity you actually have. Mars in the 12thaction is super hard. I have algol conj Hygeia, and that is conjunct my vertex which is conjunct Misma, this all seems kinda influential in my life, any thoughts on what this could mean? Theres one more layer to this! We are living and evolving all the time through our experiences. Im smart, I believe (Ive been told by others that I am so hell, I guess its true), Ive received many accolades and trophies, and my mind has taken me some places in life. Like the elder years of life, 12th house matters have an ambiguous quality. Most of my personal planets are in Virgo and my other personal planet of Mars is in Sagittarius, thereby squaring every remaining personal planet. Perhaps because its retrograde but thats my two cents, Pluto helps a person NOT be an abuser and 4 degrees is wide too but it could be felt, I think, possibly, Woowww I have Pisces Moon in 12th house. Moon square Venus. It is said to be one of the most unfortunate, violent, and dangerous stars in the heavens. Hi Ami, When you embrace that, those controlling people run away! xoxoxo. Native may become ascetic in the latter part of life. mars square ASC You may want other people to always view you as fun and joyful, but this can keep you from really opening up. Uranus conjunct Algol: John Lennon 012, Nikola Tesla 013, Linda Marshall 025, Eric Burdon 027 (and Venus and Jupiter), Michael Bloomberg 102, Muhammad Ali 106, Christine Keeler 105 (and Moon), Bob Dylan 117, Tammy Fay Bakker 125, Bruce Lee 140, John Wayne Gacy 144 (and Uranus). That transit will be influenced by Uranus conjunct Algol. I have learned so much from your articles and I just think youre great! }, painful transformations {it really never gets less painful, still more wisdom is gained, so its worth it}; anxious and loner feelings misunderstood. Like something that will change his fate? I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. I would agree with the stuck in servitude {until you wake up! ive known a mercury conjunct uranus who was very perverted, diabolical and mentally ill the best way to put it. In some ways, this might even be a relief! This guy abuseded me very differently though I suppose at the time hed fit the description of malignant narcissist or something close. What about Nessus on the DC or in the 7th? I may offer a cheaper reading than my full blown one that takes over week over intensive work for me. lol xoxo. I guess that is why I needed my own website. 12. You may struggle with showing who you are to others, and may even struggle with knowing who you are with yourself (particularly in your younger years). A great deal of the problem here is the lack of spiritual development as these individuals wish to remain fixed on the mundane and material areas of their life. Through uranian astrology I have Saturn conjunct the degree of my North Node. You may want to present yourself as someone to be taken seriously, who is disciplined and mature, but youre actually someone who likely has a strong inner optimist and solid beliefs. I should take nothing for granted. #4 only MC & Neptune in water, not technically a void, but Chiron conjunct northnode and ASC the south node conjunct saturn: This force, however, can also be channeled for good, providing protection for the self, loved ones, and possessions from the evil eye and evil deeds, or as an agent of justice to avenge wrongdoing. Max, are we listening to an artists musical anthology at the point where the audience wants something else? Commonly known as the Demon Star, it is one of the best-known variable stars in the sky and a prototype for a class of eclipsing variable stars known as Algol variables. 9th, 10th, 11th or 1st house, Mars be with Arcturus [24 Libra], and the Moon with Hercules, [fixed star Pollux at 21 Cancer] the Native will dye by Suffocation: an Infortune in the 7th, 4th, llth, 12th houses, with Oculus Taurus, [Aldebaran, 9 Gemini] and the Moon with the . Im pretty old now, and STILL fighting like hell. Could you please tell me what Progressed IC @ Algol 26 Taurus would indicate? Neptune, trine Venus Scorpio Through the Houses in Astrology. Zodiac sign illustrations byBodil Jane,The Grande DameandYoko Furusho. Moon in virgo I hear you, Anon. I am so glad you are here and you commented Carla. The 12th House is the hardest house. Square Saturn and sextile Neptune. Hi Ami Anne. Jupiter Trine Lilith 438 4 It is now considered to be a point in your chart that shows you losing your head over something or someone. Algol is situated in the constellation Perseus, where this hero is depicted slaying the gorgon Medusa's head off. With my other t square, they think that I can be selfish and aggressive in love and relationships, whine, mope, yell, act defensive, and guilt trip people when I feel Im not appreciated for my kind acts, and that I only see my lovers through rose color glasses giving them qualities that they do not possess which is not always unconditional love. Yes, totally. 16. For example, you will have Uranus opposite Sun transit in the next year or two. The HEAD of MEDUSE is your own mind ! I have Jupiter conjunct my Descendant, Jupiter opposition my Ascendant, Jupiter square Sun, and Jupiter square Mercury. From the mythology of Medusa, we can see her as a mutant. He may marry a cruel woman who will be brutal to him emotionally. He can change anything! #14 My Venus is in the 9th house of , & squares my Moon in the 1st house of . Historically, it has received a strong association with violence across a wide variety of cultures. Venus Sextile Saturn 409 88 It certainly turned my life upside down, i packed up me and my 2 children(both under 3) got on a bus in the middle of the night with $175 to start our lives overheaded across the United States to a place I didnt know, my ex had to hire private eye to find us.but I couldnt let my kids be hurt like I was! Nessus in the 12th house- May be an abuser, but not know it. Fixed star Algol, Beta Persei, is a 2.1 magnitude, rare triple star and eclipsing binary, located in the Medusas Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus Constellation. You must be talking about illegal aliens.They know full well theyre breaking our laws. I read {and kept info from} an astrologer who stated that maybe both William and Kate might go bye bye in other words, and I think he meant prematurely.Things do happen. if the person is more evolved then it would be positively inventive/creative not depraved or sadistic. I offer chart readings here: https://astrologyking.com/readings/. If your Saturn is at 25 degrees Taurus, you have Saturn conjunct Algol. In traditional astrology, Algol is associated with violence, death, alcoholism, and losing one's head, both physically and metaphorically, as in going insane. [3] The constellation is indicative of events affecting large numbers of people, especially those events caused by major meteorological phenomena. And also Dejanira square Asc conjunct MC 2 deg, means MC I will be the victim of my employers? HI, my daughter is moving this weekend to Connecticut and will arrive at her new apartment with Algol conjunct her solar return moon in the 9th house and the total lunar eclipse in Scorpio! This is explained by the fact that Jupiter takes on all of its most perverse meanings: too much heat, as it were, resulting in extremist actions that undo all the beneficial qualities of this planet. I agree,when Elizabeth passes, William might flake out. We have a relationship but nolove. The person will, often, have a hidden fantasy life or a complete double life. Saturn Conj the SunDegrees matter a great deal here. Jupiter in Capricorn at 08 25. My Mercury square Neptune manifests in the way I express myself, Ive been told Im very creative. For example, if motivational Mars was Lady Gaga (the actor), Mars in dreamy, artistic Pisces would cast her far from the shallowas Ally in A Star Is Born. [3], Rihanna 049, Nigel Farage 136, Ellen DeGeneres 153, Pope Francis I 156, Sunconjunct Algol: Violent death or extreme sickness. You may worry about what people will think if they see how different you actually are, and you may run away from change and independence. @18 I studied Journalism but Im not a writer or speaker. Venus, Sun, Saturn, Pholus, Jupiter, Mercury, Dejaniera, Chiron in 1st. You may not be able to figure out the right balance in things like spend too much money or maybe reveal too much of yourself and then feel weird xoxo. Yes, about the Cappy ASC being a little old man lol. Did I throw in there that the mental illness came from how I was treated as a child and not because my own mind reverted on itself and made me some crazy loon? The eclipsing binary pair is separated by only 0.062 astronomical units (AU) from each other, so close in fact that Algol A is slowly consuming the . People of 10th House: Your boss, leaders, powerful persons, those with authority such as your father. I havent found anything on oppositions. Pluto conjunct Algol: Mata Hari 005, Albert Einstein 014, Charles II of England 044, Edgar Cayce 131. Medusa is not a demon, that was a deep and horrific evil corruption projected upon women in ancient times to destroy their equal status in society. The moon transits (orbits) through all 12 houses in the span of a month. Nigel Farage 136, Your moods are all-encompassing and your dreams are intense. Venus square North Node. Anyways, I have a dynamic splash chart that balances itself out with the easy and challenging aspects. Im sure Ill have other setbacks, but I know I will thrive because of everything Ive survived. But I also have a dictator placement, Pluto in the 10th house. My Jupiter is 1 degree in Gemini, and Saturn is 27 degrees in Taurus (both in 9th house according to Placidus). Or what about the positive sides of Moon In Scorpio and Venus in Scorpio? On December 9, 1984, research on casualties at Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to the Alta Summit, the beginnings of the Human Genome Project. So, it is not so locked in. Im sure the unaccompanied children are going to be killed for their adrenaline (adrenochrome) the real question is how did Joe Biden know the missing children that were separated from their parents wereGONE! ? xx Saturn conj the MC Venus is in the Fall in Scorpio. With Virgo Venus, he is too picky about a mate. My brain never shuts down. A site like this needs to be seriously evaluated at best for its validity. LOL. Moon conjunct Algol: Violent death or extreme sickness. [5]. Youre great! This life is short and eternity is long <3. Well, that is a big question, Winter. I love your posts; they are so informative and interesting. My mother was the type to let people walk all over her, yet was very devoted, loyal, and a super-perfectionist when it came to herself. Thanks! The person will, often, have a hidden fantasy life or a complete double life. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. WOW Welcome Blackbird. Dejanira conjunct the ASCWill be the victim of others. Id add to the list Moon opp/square Saturn. It seems quite clear to me that the post refers to ADULT illegal aliens? Im nurturing everybody, yet I end up getting hurt. You made my day. 6 Mars in Pisces in 12th, male (My parents had no knowledge of English but a distinct sense of humor when they called me Wim-py ) Sun in 5th in Leo compensates a bit Its a blessing on the dance floor, everywhere else a curse You may struggle with openly sharing the love, like, and care you feel for the people in your life (and may loathe public displays of affection). 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