Nicknamed "Mr Freeze", a name he received for smashing the clubhouse's thermostat after a player turned it above 60 degrees, Belle had quite the chilly personality. Would love to see a thread on other encounters by other baseball players. Spieth has also denied fans autographs at golf events for running into, shoving or smashing against children who are also attempting to get his signature. Even if you don't want college athletes to . Did you respond at all when the ball got handed back to you like " hey Cal please please lm not going to sell it!!!". Muhammad avoids eye contact and keeps moving along, scratching out, as he describes it, "M-scribble, scribble, M-scribble, scribble D, number 87. Sports has long been a hotbed for the hunters; the stars must frequently come in contact with the public, and teams' schedules are readily available. Not many players come by--vets rate the Cubs as poor signers--but on this day the mood among the autograph seekers is still upbeat and festive. Below are updated signing dates for each sport for student-athletes signing in 2022-2023 for 2023-2024 enrollment: Sport. Do not ever call a player by his number. HOFer Jim Brown: A Sharpie works perfectly on flats like this 810. A youngster named Cal Muramaru, visiting from Oahu, hands Dempster a string of beads, and Dempster signs a slip of paper for him, then puts the beads around his neck. McGwire would do that a lot also. ", Many NBA players sign with their nondominant hand, flaunting their ambidexterity. In 2012, he stole a video camera from Team Sweden's video coach at an under-18 tournament. Baseball players who aren't friendly signers. It's golf clubs. Mark Allen Baker, an autograph-collecting expert who has written several books on the subject, doesn't believe most hunters are sellers. Author and podcast host Jeff Bowdren booked Flair for an event in which fans got to eat dinner with the former world champion and ask him about his career. In 1857 the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote in his diary that he had answered 70 autograph requests in a single day. For example, if I were sending an autograph request to Kurt Suzuki of the Washington . "Gordie Howe was without a doubt the most cherished autograph I ever had," says Roenick. Jeff Thalblum, owner of Free Agent Sports, which stages autograph sessions with popular sports figures, said the last event that he held before COVID-19 was declared a . He has broken countless records and made enormous sums of money. The NCAA currently prohibits student-athletes from selling autographs, accepting money as "gifts" and having contact with an agent without losing their "amateur" status and becoming ineligible to . Instead, Murray would rather you have a unique experience with him instead of a piece of paper. Talk about being a total diva! The more Banks writes banks, the more Banks banks. He has taken a stand against 'greedy,' adult golfs fans who are only looking for self-gratification. Baseball legends like Bob Feller and Mickey Mantle were early enthusiasts, while Joe DiMaggio set the market. Many athletes are autograph seekers themselves. In the last few years, there have been stories about Flair verbally abusing fans at bars around the United States. You don't have to be a golfer to know and love Tiger Woods. "You got a better chance of getting Bin Laden," says Petrulis. 2. I saw Penn and Teller at the McCarter Theater in Princeton. The billionaire industrialist J.P. Morgan was an inveterate hunter of autographs, scouring Europe for the signatures of kings and queens and generals; he was particularly proud of acquiring Napoleon's. In one famous incident recounted by Tom Robinson on the 6:05 Superpodcast, the two were drinking at a bar after an episode of Raw in December 2015. Paul McCartney vowed in 2010 never to sign another autograph. Voila, problem solved. Cardinal pitcher Ray Washburn told my two younger brothers to 'go to hell' when they called out his name from the Astrodome's pavillion seats at a day game way back when. The price went up depending on the item that received his John Hancock (football, jersey, etc). That's why the serious autograph hound will always have a card or photo ready. Mann estimates that he has 100,000 autographed baseball cards. They know that silver or gold paint pens work best on jerseys or dark-colored items, such as hockey pucks. Emma Watson wants to get to know you, not sign another Harry Potter book. List as of 2/13/22 Reggie Cleveland $ 5.00 Ken Henderson $ 3.00 Darryl Chaney $ 5.00 Len Dawson $ 10.00 Some are gracious signers--Cal Ripken Jr., Arnold Palmer and Billie Jean King, to name a few--but even their patience can be taxed. At spring training about 5 years ago all us graphers would wait outside the stadium in the morning. Yes, I get why he was doing it, however ever since then, he became an asshole in my eyes. "He would say, 'I'm going to sign this many autographs, you're going to charge $50 for each one, you're going to pay me this much money to appear [his price got as high as $50,000] and pay my expenses.' Some examples of this include using the tail of a letter to cross a "t" or two crossing lines at the beginning or ending of your signature. One exception: William Shatner. Basketballer/civil rights activist Bill Russell won't sign. And this was from when she had her personality reined in. It could have said DAG HAMMARSKJLD. He explained his actions by saying that the kid should have been more respectful, asking for an autograph instead of demanding it. Autopen autographs: A sign of the times for athletes and fans? The policy was set to begin on Thursday. Some signings have multiple dealers there, having their . So if people like Steve Martin or Bill Watterson is disgruntled about people selling and buying their autograph, they could resort to sign as many as possible so as to drive the price so low that its not worth to sell it anymore. But many Ive gotten autographs from instead require a dollar donation to some charity and some sort of handwritten thing from the requester (most come in by mail) to indicate its not a mass mailing effort. So go and read what experts can say and why. The hate between the player and the ultras continued, and many have steered clear of Icardi since. "It still seems more--I don't know--real coming out here to get autographs," says Keith. "She can be an advantage," says Johnson. The card and memorabilia companies have had to jump through hoops to get each player's representative to line up deals. It was classic Canseco. It's like putting a coin in a slot machine. . I just find it.". "The A is rare," says Bettis. However, you better be a dedicated Brady supporter or have some extra cash laying around to get his signature. After asking him again for an autograph, Punk blew up on the two, driving them from the eatery. Just from my personal experience, it didn't go as well as I would have liked. don't. Gold coins and silver bars was/were found in the sunken pirate ship. Second, the collecting aspect, trying to put together one of the best autograph collections around. "When they first come up, they'll sign about anything you hand them. Which is what it was last season. It might not pay off this time, so you put another quarter in and keep doing it until you are tapped out or finally hit the jackpot. Icardi stole former teammate Maxi Lopez's wife, Wanda, away from him. Greene may have been correct, but two punts on the same set of downs seems a little extreme. Bryce Young, quarterback for University of Alabama's football team, has raked in almost $1 million in NIL deals. I ask him. Want it personalized? The earliest "Mickey Mantle" autographs looked. Even the most famous athletes will spend 5-10 minutes before and after practices and games to sign autographs. Many athletes want to be adored by their fans, but some don't like being approached by them! Willie was there that day. Even little kids dont get signatures. 15. Some fans have tried to send items directly to Brady through the Patriots. As a 15 year old huge baseball fan, I thought I was snubbed. say what u want about him, but that's just being a dick in my eyes yes he does sign a lot and he didn't have to, but when someone you think I'm of very highly, completely looks over you, what would you personally think of him??? Often they brought multiple children. Belle made headlines in 1994 when he used a corked bat in a baseball game and was caught. He may be "money", but Floyd Mayweather isn't an athlete you should approach in public. Baseball Art II (and Football) and why things aren't always as they seem Lelands Jan 2007. In fact, Mayweather typically doesn't do anything unless money is involved. "No use trying to sneak over there," says Bob Johnson. He even had a gambling problem and allegedly fathered children out of wedlock and ignored those mothers' requests for financial support. If your letter is more than a page and your purpose is to request a signature, it's probably too long. As an autograph collector, every autograph I have in my collection has its own story and as I get my autograph I try to have a little chit chat with the person I'm getting the autograph from, fortunately I've had the opportunity to have my favorite athlete's to sign something for me ('Magic' Johnson, Matt Kemp, Fernando Valenzuela . Marc S. Marc sz.ilezy. While Spieth may not always be willing to give his signature, at least he is honest about why he doesn't. This is a link to an article on Danica Patrick and the challenges she sometimes faces for her decision to not sign fans' autographs: Danica Patrick Responds to Booing Fans: 'I'm a Person, Too. Ive heard woe betide anyone who asks Helen Hunt for an autograph. One of those is not like the others. 1st - Bobby Doerr. Although he told the autograph seeker he wouldn't take a photo with him, saying, 'I'm going to sign these, and then we are done!" We all (even the dealers) moved away as we all wanted this guy to get him and we didn't want to scare Willie off. I always get a kick out of players who only sign for kids. "I do," he says finally. I have a nice collection of original comic art growing thanks to these guys coolness. Some athletes take a very negative view of signing autographs, especially when they consider the market for resale of said items. Steve Carell has been know to avoid fans with pens. He also isn't charging kids to scribble his name across a photo. Much of that has been put down to his drive on the field. I went to see Stevie Ray Vaughn and we happened to park behind the venue. They've been around the block a few times, enduring disappointment, rejection, even outright humiliation. New York Mets catcher Mike Piazza allows his mood to dictate if he'll comply. A crowd immediately materialized around him (I observed from a brief distance) and in all the hand-shaking and what not, someone presented him with a poster that he wanted Wes to sign. The Todd Gurley Autograph Scandal Is Everything That's Wrong With The NCAA . Especially if you're in sports. Knowledge about where someone is and when they will be somewhere is precious. I think certain athletes or celebrities in general don't do (autographs) just because of that." Brewers pitcher Chris Capuano considers signing autographs to be part of his job. But he's not discouraged. And when you did the math, you lost money. If people don't want to pay Newton to sign stuff, they don't have to. "You don't want to look like a green fly, latching on," explains Milwaukee Brewers pitcher Matt Wise. When it comes to acquiring athletes' signatures, there are plenty of ways to go about the pursuit. Nor is this "new". Some of the forest has/had patches of poison ivy. That's one hundred thousand. Was reading the thread about Willie Mays and his horrible autograph stories. In one instance in 1991, he told one New York Yankees fan he would 'bash his head in' after the fan jeered the power hitter from the stands. "But you get the sloppiest autographs from hockey," says Petrulis, "which is their way of telling you that.". USA. "This is amazing," says Banks, 74. ", The door opens, and the veterans dash across Delaware. So you might get lucky, or you might not. For more information on athlete mailing addresses, e-mail Then they would run back to get another signed. However, Jordan doesn't have the best reputation from fans who have encountered him firsthand. That was $300 extra, and your name couldn't exceed 20 letters. Some goes to kids. Amazed that they will fork over as much as $190 if Banks inscribes a jersey ERNIE BANKS, MR. CUB, HOF 77; 512 HRS, 15 TIMES ALL-STAR; 2 TIMES NL MVP; ALL-CENTURY TEAM--in effect autographing a synopsis of his 19-year Hall of Fame career--or $80 for signing his name on a ball or a photo. Some athletes, though, are compliant signers because they remember what it was like being on the other side--the triumphs and the disappointments. Unique lists featuring pop culture, entertainment and crazy facts. First, George Hendrick would ONLY sign STL stuff, then consistently refused to sign. In fact, there's a story about a teammate who was leaving the Celtics, and getting all of the team to sign an autograph book as a memento, and Russell STILL refused to sign. Besides the guerrilla assault at the ballpark or arena and the eternal wait in front of the hotel, the Hancocks of jocks are now to be had at convention centers and hotel ballrooms. Paul McCartney made the decision to stop signing autographs for his fans. Spieth has called these types of fans 'scum' in interviews. ", "Autograph hunting is the most unattractive manifestation of sex-starved curiosity." Attn: Ken Richman. That made a lasting impression." William Shatner will only sign one thing, his self-penned books for $10. I can't throw them away. He set the standard in the autograph business. One fan, who posted his video on YouTube, got a promotional flyer to hire the team's mascot, Pat, for a party. People have been collecting signatures for centuries. I would only sign autographs/pictures in like a convention or autograph singing event. Some goes to charity organizations to raise funds." On the site, you will find an address where you can send fan mail to the players. As we were walking to the theater SRV gets off the tour bus and heads inside. Under the NCAA rule change, college athletes get paid from their social media accounts, broker endorsement deals, autograph signings . contain. I bet you're the type of guy who would interrupt an athlete mid bite during dinner for an autograph on a napkin. A TTM letter should have an intro, fan statement, autograph request and a thank-you. Don't ask for more than one item. Jeff Thalblum, owner of Free Agent Sports, which stages autograph sessions with popular sports figures, said the last event that he held before COVID-19 was declared a . Often they brought multiple children. Jordan refused unless the rapper paid him $15,000. And I'm glad that autograph shows have given the underpaid superstars of the past, men like Banks, who missed out on the big bucks, a downright amazing revenue stream. Now the . It was 1988 and I was in 6th grade and staying with friends for a week in Vermont. Very few stars sign at Yankee stadium unless they know someone in the stands, so for cal to do that regularly when I saw him there was very cool. The Babe Ruth collectible that is the most expensive autograph in sports, is a brand new signed baseball that went on sale in 2012. He had the obligatory Ramirez story--he spotted Ramirez at Copley Place one day, chatted with him for a few minutes, then was stiffed when Manny refused to sign a card--but he's had lots of positive experiences, among them getting an autograph from his favorite player, Red Sox third baseman Bill Mueller. But they also won't go to stadiums or arenas. Reasonably stated, hed obviously explained this countless times before, the fan understood and that was that. Mark item properly with painter's tape or post it note. Out comes Reds superstar Ken Griffey Jr. If you write anything concerning a person or company your full name needs to be in your post or obtainable from it. The ones he didn't know were quickly booted from the locker room. Thanks for your understanding. but she thought it was sad when adults wanted that sort of memento. Pros are leery of adults asking for autographs, as they should be. They know that a supply of blue and black Sharpies is a must for signatures on cards, magazines and photos. 26 responses to " Athletes charging for autographs is no big deal " domeunit says: July 12, 2012 at 3:33 pm. But I will.". Kirk as AZ manager signed at spring training and made all his players signed. The comedian . And now his job is being Ernie Banks. Autograph shows began small in the late 1970s, mostly as vehicles for card collectors to get together and trade, but promoters got the idea to invite athletes to amp up interest. Madison once queued up to get Troy Aikman's signature only to find that the former Dallas Cowboys quarterback had ordered that an extra table be set up so collectors could not get close enough to shake his hand or request a photo.). Normally, hes happy to sign, but he has a policy that he wont do so at home, because he dislikes the invasion of privacy. In 2005, former White Sox player Ron Kittle revealed an incident he had with Bonds before a San Francisco Giants game in 1993. Because they are targets both at the hotel and at the stadium or the arena, and because they're highly popular, baseball and basketball players get the most autograph requests; consequently, they can be the most grudging about giving them. Understand you may not be able to get the attention of one of the top players in the game, but his teammates may be more accessible. Both stayed until everyone shook their hands, talked to them and got an autograph. It's a little like the sex in a porn movie: It's going to happen--it just might not be exciting. He was gruff in the old school way, much like Warren Spahn or Dick Williams. On the other handI dont collect autographs but I do have a couple. Basketball great and civil rights activist Bill Russell was well-known for refusing to sign autographs-ever. "I don't know how many times I've seen somebody run around waving a piece of paper and shouting, 'Who's this?'" Besides Mays, the only other ones that I thought were jerks (more in their attitude rather than anything they said or did) were Rose and Winfield. Dont ask Tobey Maguire to sign your Spider-Man poster, hell most likely refuse. Please note that I sdidnt say she was sad she implied that adults seeking autographs were sad. "It means a lot to the people who get this merchandise. Martinez is meticulous about his signature, but he's also particular about which day he grants requests for it. Suddenly, they take off en masse across Delaware Place, thumbing through their loose-leaf binders for the appropriate card or photo and screwing the tops off their Sharpies. Ask the player nicely for an autograph. Andre Dawson, for one, is a guy very clear about his policies and why he has them. He never even said anything. Autographs, photos, you name it! Add your name/order # and also the dealer's name to the item. '", There's often tension, too, because many (perhaps most) athletes feel that their signatures are objects of commerce rather than collection, that frantic bidding wars occur every time they scrawl their John Hancock. [4] 6. Just like his fellow Beatle, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr announced his decision to rid himself of fan mail and autographs in 2008 via a YouTube video. In 1991, Belle threw a baseball at a fan sitting in the outfield stands at Cleveland Stadium. Not only did Mickelson sign their items, he took a selfie with them, too. "If a guy's signature is a big X, then that's what it is," says Petrulis. As a collector at visiting team hotels in the 1960's. And it's always, 'One more.' Simple, direct and brief. It is hard being Tiger Woods. When they return to their post, the hunters identify the Red as backup shortstop Ray Olmedo. A 1939 Disney cartoon called The Autograph Hound shows Donald Duck running afoul of a security guard as he seeks signatures at a movie studio. However, in a 2016 article in the Miami Herald, Bonds claimed is jerk persona was just an act during his baseball career. During one 2015 event, Brady charged fans $650 to sign his name to a photo or football card. Michael Bachelor, in Sunset Valley, is a professional athlete and he signs autographs pretty much at the stadium. Breaking Bad and Malcolm in the Middle alum, Bryan Cranston, announced he is retiring from signing autographs. The actor, 61, says hell still snap a selfie but no more signing: After 18 years of signing everything for fans - Im retiring. "I've done that," says Casey, "then I look over and see the guy wiping off the personalization. Finally, Chicago relief pitcher Ryan Dempster ambles over. They know that some of their peers favor the Vis--Vis marker over the Sharpie because of its dark-blue ink, though others feel that the Vis--Vis tends to blotch, and then when you hold the autograph up to the light, you can make out a gold tinge and. How much time do you have? Women did as well or better than children, By far the worst person that I ever encounter for signing was Dimaggio. The kid brought the ball back, and Greene promptly punted it away again. An enraged, possibly alcohol fuelled fan ran toward the penalty box and fell inside it. Ideally, you would hang out around the clubhouse and catch them walking to and from the practice field or stadium. Lawyers. Kittle approached Bonds about signing some jersey to be auctioned off for a cancer charity. Answer: As a rule - no. It's LIKE PUTTING A COIN IN A SLOT MACHINE. If that wasn't bad enough, Barton put out his lit cigar in the eye of teammate James Tandy during Manchester City's Christmas party. Leonardo DiCaprio. Bill Murray has been very outspoken about his dislike of signing autographs, as he has called them boring.. Tom Brady refuses to autograph pictures in which his mechanics are off. The quest for an athlete's autograph is not always an easy one--for the hunter or the prey. But they know a few things, too. He then forced, some say bullied, Indians' pitcher Jason Grimsley into retrieving it from the umpire's room. were. "I look at the autograph, and it takes me back to when I met him." When athletes use steroids it really is a big fat middle finger to their fans it's like saying integrity and fan opinions don't matter as long as it all ends in a win. With the introduction of eBay and other auction sites, its no wonder many Hollywood stars are reluctant to sign fans memorabilia thats likely to go off to the highest bidder. If he found out somebody was getting more than him, he just raised his price. 1. From time to time he now accepts a fee to sign at autograph shows, where idolization is apparently not a factor. He could do no wrong, including walking away from his beloved sport to play baseball for two years. Bring a quality photograph from home or use a photo sold by the gift shop. With one stroke of the pen and a few seconds of conversation, a player like Banks can fulfill the lifetime dream of a fan. In 2007, a woman accused World Peace of assaulting her inside his Sacramento home. I never had a problem with Ted Williams. Sometimes people are in great moods, sometimes there not. "You collect them for the memories. Not many Hall of Famers sign free through the mail, especially in the sport of baseball. "Like Mark Messier," says Petrulis. In the case of Barry Bonds, an athlete that had a hot and cold relationship with fans, it was just an act to entertain baseball fans. Kaline will literally sign for everyone, but it about as ornery as they come. He also prevented her from leaving or calling 9-1-1. That was quite profitable also. They are barred from either entering the hotel or congregating outside the revolving doors. 4. A drunken Flair was upset that Robinson called her 'hot' and then went crazy on Robinson. But Brady has done several autograph shows for his large number of fans. He worked on perfecting a signature that was readable and attractive: Michael Cuddyer, not Mike, no abbreviations, each letter clear. This isn't just limited to average Joes. His reasoning was that there were many more important people than him and would sometimes tell people they should be getting autographs of their teachers or parents. She could have a Great Plumbers of the United States collection. The fan had travelled all the way from Germany to see Woods play and left with quite the souvenir. Seconds later, Canseco went off on a fan who heckled him from behind. Some of the rarest include: Tiger Woods. Reggie Jackson was similar the first time I got his sig (shortly after his playing days) but I think he's mellowed out quite a bit. Generally, everyones been nice about it. What a guy! Leonardo DiCaprio is another celebrity who has developed a reputation for being rude to his fans. There are countless other incidents he has started, and he regularly goes after fans that question his ridiculous, faux-educated social media posts. Since he signs for $10 ttm, thats probably a better route. I started the thread to hear more stories like willie mays and his signing stories. I heard a long time ago that Wayne Gretzky will sign rookie cards and whatnot, but always bends one corner of them down so theyre not worth a brazillion dollars. Louisville will not allow autographs at its football fan day event, and Georgia will only let players sign posters supplied by the school. An athlete has only a finite amount of time to sign, whether he's asked to do it on the field, outside the locker room or in front of a hotel (often without a please or a thank you). Decision to stop signing autographs for his fans Baker, an autograph-collecting expert who has written books... Have tried to send items directly to Brady through the mail, in. Jan 2007 and many have steered clear of Icardi since are updated signing for! Accepts a fee to sign and I was in 6th grade and staying with friends for a cancer.... From time to time he now accepts a fee to sign autographs-ever 2015 event, and regularly..., talked to them and got an autograph charity organizations to raise funds ''. And civil rights activist Bill Russell won & # x27 ; signatures, there are other! 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