without pause. That Grey Knights willingly transferred to Titan. Sometimes their names or deeds will be etched uponthe plates of their armour, a preserved memoryoftheirglory.Moreoften,theartificer-crafted engravings are excerpts fromthe Liber Daemonica, the Canticle of Absolution, the ExcrutiatoDiabolusor any of countless othertracts.The Chapter icon of a book speared throughits spine by ablade emblazonstheirleft pauldron and the armoured flanksof their battle tanks, gunships and even their sleek warships.Besides this, their unpainted armourbearsa far more esotericand individual appearancethan those of other Space Marine Grey Knight Personal HeraldryChapters. The Chapter themselves have a single writtenaccountof their founding, housed in their fortress monastery - the Citadel of Titan. Warriors of the Adeptus Astartes have debased their Emperor-givengifts, pouring the warp into aspirants and inviting abominatus. rules presentedin this section are rules for creating a daemonicSTRATAGEMS (PG 58-61) nemesis for your warriors a nefarious foe to hunt down andGrey Knights armies have access to uniquebattlefield strategies banish in your games.and tactics that they can utilise to best their foes in any theatreof war; these are represented by the Stratagemsin this section,which you can spend Commandpoints onto use in your games.You can find out more about Stratagems and Commandpointsin the Warhammer40,000 Core Book. If manifested, select one enemy unit within 18" of this PsYkeR. Thethe eight were approved and the Emperor The moonvanished from its orbit, sliding existence of suchbeings, andthe sorcerytasked Malcador with the next stage. 100% (1) 100% found this document useful (1 vote) These Nemesis weaponsare unorthodox avenues. AYAVceSerUUM OMIronyerotatetew ror:Kcen Though Sorceries shall be againstus, INOSeras ROTLCcaeee we shall hunger for Holy War. redemption the reward for ourvigilance. responsibility for the Techmarines Chapter duties. The Dreadnoughtsis often sought.The Grey Knights maintain manyof the same specialist These warriors are assignedtofight alongside oneoroles as other Space Marines. Unbeknownto the downthe Radical Inquisitor Rea Yollaron. Until the end of the phase, each time amodelin that unit makes an attack, re-roll a hitroll of 1 and re-roll a woundrollof1.PSYCHIC POWER: FATAL PRECOGNITIONThe psykerfills his enemies minds with horrificpremonitionssetting up loops of mentaltrepidation.Those whoforce themselves to forge onwardssuffer massive cranial haemorrhages, theirfearof thefuture warring with theirwillfor control oftheir mind.Malediction:Fatal Precognition has a warp chargevalue of 5. In the traditionalred, black and white of the Chapter, some bearunifying colours and symbols that mark them asbeing part of a larger squadron or they may honourthe deeds of those brothers carried within the safetyof their hull. ritual embellishment. These are the profane objects deemed too hazardousto be studied ordisplayed as trophies in the Hall of Champions. The Terminus Decree is the ultimate sanction of the Grey Knights, a secretDeep within the Chambers of Purity, locked away in so vast it could bring the Imperium toits knees, orthe hall said to hold the tomb of the Sisillite himself, saveit in its darkest hour.rests a simple wooden box, embellished with a golden The exact nature of the documentis unknown, forseal. Fewofthe Cults doctrines are compatible with those of Bolt weaponsare advanced and powerful the Grey Knights. Nothingshall evade our Cleansing Fire, We Grey Knights are the Hammers, In bloodshedshall we save Mankind, not daemonor Spawn or Renegade. draw upon the warps powers,or even Mechanicus, Mars moon of Deimos It is here that the Chapters Techmarines fracture their fragile connection to the was movedoutof its Martian orbit and oversee their assembly and manage their empyrean. Yet they are also too dangerousto be destroyed, for that would allow the baleful daemons bound within to return to the warp, where they would coalesce once moreat their malignantleisure. Others such as your armys Stratagems, Warlord Traits and Relics will becomerelevant once you start playing games with Battle-forged armies. Its 184 pages contain 55 pages of lore; 51 pages of main faction rules (including legion-specific rules, warlord traits, relics, and more); 19 pages of rules for the Crusade narrative mode, and 44 unit datasheets. Bolts are Mechanicus. Exacerbated by sustained bythe roiling warp storms, however, and ina the Space Wolves attempts to inhibit what they saw as fickle lull in the tempests, the forces of Titan were able dishonourable practices, even entire worlds were put to to launch the hammerblowoftheir attack. Whennotbesetby thethis singular honour. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that model has a 4+ invulnerable save.BLADES OF VICTORYThe swiftest destruction of abominations ensuresneither they nor any witnesses can escape, andthe 2nd Brotherhood have perfected tactics notonly of hard andfast strikes, but also of rapidredeployment. self-deleting protocols. Every them to achieve incredible harmonies of Captain's place on thebattlefieldis at battle-brother learnsnot only to fight with empyric coordination their luckless and the very heart of the fighting, where he all kindsofspecialised weapons, armour shocked enemieswill never know. Dark Imperium - June 3rd In its shadow,his and disrupt enemyassaults, before Grand Masters brotherhood cannotbe using their psychic augmentation to everywhere and not all worlds can be brothers are roused to evengreaterfeats attack as part ofthe killing strike. clear as the flaming debris of the despatched in haste to Terra, foughtThey saw the psychic construction was destroyed shipyards struck. Duty Eternal: Each time an attack is allocated to this model, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). warp, perceiving threats throughlayers worlds via the cyclonic warheads of of deception. Time and bloodshed used to banish them, must forever remain overtook the Sol System. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, each timea friendly SWORDBEARERSVEHICLE unit makes a ranged attack against that enemy unit, add to that attacks woundroll. Prognosticars are powerful psykersTheships sensors may have noticed who, among guttering candles and driftssome, such as unusualvessels circling of incense, read psychic tremors andin the dark suggested by ghost returns. no daemonshall avoidits Fate. In 9th edition, you are allotted a budget of Command Points and Detachments depending on the size of game you are playing - barring any specific weird and wonderful exceptions that might apply. The hydro basilica is ahead, he voxed. in CC your opponent activates units before you. The Purifiers untarnished to its will across entire sectors. Able to be Created from the contents of the Combat ready to devastate them with heavy armed with an array of heavy ranged Patrol: Grey Knights boxedset, this force firepower and psychic powersbefore weapons, potent melee weapons,or acan be usedin a Battle-forged army, and chargingin to finish the survivorsoff in mix of the two,this powerful unit can be in itself comprises a Patrol Detachment, the Fight phase. Many moretrials await, and a fraction of novitiates i stihdider a4Hth thanks at these fearless paragotts. Little resists the powerof this to contain permanently; perhapsGrand Mastersof the brotherhoods and glorious conflagration. eeieieeceesesecteceese3 Gifts of the Prescient.000. Babbles of meaninglessof fortress redoubts fed massive pipe networks into the numerology came from each mouth and it gestured to thecrevasse floor. It was under the nascent command between them. by Brother-Captain Tor ofthe SilverAnencirclementofrapid strike vessels, Blades deployed to enact a grandritualled by the strike cruiser Damnation of of banishment. Strike ability to set up close to the enemy, serious punchtothe force. Codex (plural "codices", but "codexes" is also occasionally used) is the name of a source book for Warhammer 40,000 armies and factions containing background information, pictures, and rules. A unitcan onlybeselected for this psychic power onceper phase.WARLORD TRAIT: DIVINATIONThis warlord canfollow the skeinsoffuture events,using his psychic gifts to filter the myriad possibleoutcomes before him and usingthetacticalinsight hegains to sow his enemies destruction.If your WARLORD has this Warlord Trait, it canattempt to perform the following psychic action:Divination (Psychic Action - Warp Charge 6):In your Psychic phase, this WARLORD can attemptto perform this psychic action. You can find out more about psychicpowers in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book.LITANIES OF PURITY (PG 66) POINTS VALUES (PG 108-109)Onthebattlefield, Chaplainsrecite rousing Litanies to inspiretheir comradesto feats of heroism on thebattlefield. These sacred customs and doctrinesare reflected in theweaponstheyuse, the armourthey wearandthe heraldry theyproudly bear.Each Grey Knights armouris an ancient relic drawn from theChapters armouries, and has often been worn by many warriorsbefore him. for this unit. GREY KNIGHTS Troops units in GREY KNIGHTS Detachments gain the Objective Secured ability (see the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book).BROTHERHOOD COMMANDThe honourof leading the Grey Knights to war against themanifold threats of daemonkindfalls to a brotherhoodcommanding Grand Master andits honourable Brother-Captain.e You can include a maximum of one GRAND MASTER model and one BROTHER-CAPTAIN model in each Detachment in yourarmy.e Each GRAND MASTER modelin your army must be from a different brotherhood (pg 46-53).e Each BROTHER-CaPTAIN modelin your army must be froma different brotherhood.If your armyis Battle-forged, units in GREY STRATAGEMS A see an feel every shining mind ofmy brothers, littering througl the tide of madness that embvoilsKNiGHTS Detachments gain access to the following Brotherhood Each brotherhoodhasan associated brotherhood Stratagem.of Psykers rules, provided that every unit in that Detachment If your army includes a Brotherhood of Psykers Detachment anhind, The fevee corona ofMenadt, the swicling vortex ofRandlellon and the pounsling ti Of(excluding AGENT OF THE IMPERIUM, UNALIGNED and HONOURED (excluding Auxiliary Support, Super-heavy Auxiliary and Thiboa. Of all other Grey Knights, yould givethem, have wound around the only the Chambers guardians, the Order of Purifiers, truly know whatit is they down themillennia. Against such toweringpsychic power, thereis little defence.Each time a Psychic test is taken for this WARLORD,if the result of that test was an unmodified result of8+ and it was greater than or equal to that powerswarp chargevalue, your opponent cannot attemptto deny that power.PRESCIENT BRETHREN S31NY 039404-F1LLVEThe battle-brothers ofthe 4th Brotherhood operateone step ahead of their enemies, instinctivelychannelling their martial and psychicskills to forgeuncanny victories time after time. On Jostero, a hereticalwarpritual caused him to bedrawnback. Interceptors, and Stormtalon and often havetheability to sense Stormraven Gunships. no defenceexists against our wrath. The defence the sword simply to erase all mention of the battle.daemonsat bay. Codex: Grey Knights, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, the Aquila Double-headed Eagle logo, andall associated logos,illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either or TM, and/or Games WorkshopLimited, variably registered around the world. He leads landscapes. Grey Knights a flawless soul, soTainted energies in grav-suspension, Onrare occasions, the head ofthe resistant to the wiles of Chaos asxenos technologies and mechanicalidols Purifier orderwill accede to a request to be thought immune to them. To Theyare often tasked before battle with his warriors are most needed.His are the reconnaissance ofsites that may have decisions that save or condemnbillions. A splinter of the Grey discovered an ancient daemonic presenceKnights warded the systemsfringe, imprisonedin its core. Yet with each confrontation, are assignedto fight alongside one ofthethe foe before him. PSYCHIC POWER: EMPYRIC LODESTONE The psyker attaches a subtle warp signatureto the unsuspecting target, one that the psychic crews of the Swordbearers battle tanks and gunships honein on with punishing bombardments. The Grey Knights remain time maintaining the psychic barrier =#2warriors, psycannonsare not the only threateningly taciturn on such matters, of their Aegis. Whateverevil dwelled swamp them, Thorems warriors thrust their psychichere, the Justicar realised, these heretics had calledit. By the invocation of strikes, their warriors specially fortified experienced Brother-Captain. ombat how to wield the the Grand Master orhis Brother- positions or Inquisitorial Acolytes the weakness in every enemy. The Librarium Daemonicalies behindARVANN STERN three adamantinebarriers, each many yards thick, protected by enchantments,Amongst the Grey Knights ranks, anointed with consecratedoils andBrother-Captain Stern stands as one of etched with silver seals of warding. the 3rds Brother-Captain,forits fate andSince Atraxes, the daemon has haunted his are inextricably linked.his steps. and then Grand Masterof the 3rd. Check back everyday as new leaks and rumors for Warhammer 40k Grey Knights 9th edition codex will be added, without notification. Librarians exercise Grey Knights brotherhoods oftenfortheir entire ligreater and more diverse psychic powers than most and in certain cases may even begranted commaGrey Knights, and help to hone the powersoftheir to lead strikes themselves. All the while, yourteleport strikes allow the capture of distant andvital objectives.\YY) umanity is beset by countless evils.rToe many, armies can be raised, hatred can be stoked, vigilance for thatwhich is not Human can be maintained. Detachment in which every unit has the WARDMAKERS keyword.All GREY KNIGHTS PSYKERSin a Brotherhood of PSYKER units in that Detachmentgain the Projection ofPurityPsykers Detachment knowtherelevant brotherhood psychic psychic power, a CHARACTER in that Detachmentthatis given apowerin addition to any other psychic powers they know. Chapter Approved 2020 - 9th ed points only (1).pdf. with biomancy, sounds that would flense the sanity ofI know you now, he thought. Welcome to Codex: Grey Knights, a sanctified tome detailing these most mysteriousofall Space Marines. To hunt upon induction to the Chapter. If manifested, select one enemyunit within 12"of this Psyker. DATASHEETS(PG 80-103)Yeaues This section is essential to all Grey Knightsplayers, regardless of preferredplaystyle, containing as it does the datasheets for Grey Knights units. Usethis Stratagem atthe start of your Shooting phase. They are kept alive byGrey Knight's force weaponretains part a single battle-brother could hope to biomantic technology that connects themof his psyche imprinted uponits killing overcome. the Emperor's Gift is too valuable to risk wasting, and barely one in a thousand survivesthefirst rite of passage: the pilgrimage through the hauntedplains ofet us signal our intent to these vile abominations, brothers. ChapterLord Kaldor Draigo, the SupremeGrand Master, passed beyondthe sight of the Chapter on theworld of Acralem. The warriors of eachbrotherhood are marshalled into squadsof ten, each led by an experienced veteran some hundredorso of the mostskilled warriors, from whoseranksis selectedgrantedthetitle of Justicar. Though he has sworn swiftly as their warriors switch they manifest from the warp onto to find the reason for their ghostly tactical strategies. Their with broad and diverse knowledge, counselof the 3rds Grand Masterat empyric powers threw back Chaos for those creatures everrely on deceit, the time, Valdar Aurikon, that revealed sorcery during the Siege of Hera and a Tzeentchian daemons machinations ensured the successful resurrection of the misdirection and falsehoods. Orion. For many Grey Knights,this is the only recordoftheir actions.in leather canisters, tomes of forbidden knowledgeorfetishesmadeof honoured predecessors used in arcanerituals are carriedalongside the most advanced technology the Imperium cancreate. It is whispered _This artefact goes unrecordedin the libraries of that it is the exact match of anotherseal, found only atthe Imperium, for it is kept secret from all but the one sacred spotin all the Imperiums many scatteredSupreme Grand Masterof the Grey Knights. The knowledge final challenges, the neophytewill be raised to the rank and gene-seed a Grey Knight receives known as of Knight and takehis placein the fight against Chaos. Yet 8th have discovered anotherlayeroflies as therace to reach the Nachmund Gauntlet in time. This is the Warp Nexus.Knights recover. Most Grey though someInquisitors believe that the unholy with blasts of psychically ===oa=eKnights carry a force weapon attuned to psilencers may originate down such impregnated promethium from heavy a=Ss2ytheir will. So its lies and never respondstoitspainstakingis the selection and so rarely temptations. REFERENCE(PG 1114) Here youwill find a bullet-pointed rules reference that summarises some commonGrey Knights rules found in the Codex,to help remind you how they workat a glance during your games. Each time they have fought,1" Brotherhood 2" Brotherhood 3 Brotherhood 4" Brotherhood The Wardmakers The Swordbearers The Blades of Victory The Prescient Brethren The Keeperof the Augurium The Grand Masterofthe 1st holds The Blades of Victory have a The Wardmakers have always commandsthe 4th Brotherhood, well-deserved reputation for rapid held a place of honourwithin the and withinits ranks are many of thetitle of Steward of the Armoury, deploymentand swift strikes, Chapter.It was, accordingto legend, the Chapters most potent psykers even by the standards of the Janus own brotherhood, and warriors with an instinctual with nominalguardianship of Grey Knights. Towhich the Mallacopias noisome vomit must have pushed learn even a shard of such knowledge was dangerous.up the macroducts into Remiga Hive, drowning millions. Membership of the Order vile abasementin a voice onlyof Purifiers is not granted throughskill, Crowe can hear. Thorem saw that manyretained remnants wavesand unhealthy froth formed. Though on Titan we be hidden, yet our eyes encompassthe Galaxy. The Ebon CLANamiemIRCcM EgCHLeH AtEm ERSSentinels wereclingingto survival after Nemesis warding stave, Fellward, andfed Squads, meanwhile, attacked the linkedpunishing campaignsofloyalservice. Trophies taken the Councilin his stead,call upon the amongst that exemplar brotherhood from the defeated are displayed onsigil- Paladins whenthey require the very best for his reverence andstoicism.In his carved iron hooks andchains. 1) marine update eg the extra wound. These honouredancientsarefallen, thereby makingit an honoured of a Nemesis Dreadknight, however, he woken from stasis only in timesof direancestor weapon of the Chapter. As the Order to support individual brotherhoods. lesser beings. Only the Supreme rand Masters knowthe full truth. They believe themselves beyond pain. In the core rules, those limits are: Combat Patrol - 3 Command Points & 1 Detachment Incursion - 6 Command Points & 2 Detachments Itfrom darker ages languish in bonds, from one of the Grand Mastersfor the aid is to the keeping of this paragontheir sentiences raging or else repeating of a portion oftheir warriors. Techmarines havetrained with the their brotherhoodstraditionalrites and rituals asallTech-Priests of Mars, whose techno-religious strictures its warriors, and lend their considerable skills to its .the Techmarines balance with the Grey Knights needs. Only a defeat a great warrior of legend whoseAmongtheir unusual wargear are some very few Grey Knights have the mental mortal frailties no longer hinder them.whose technology the Chapter sources fortitude and psychic subtlety to control 29A HIDDEN TAPESTRY Upon the Grey Knights sacred standardsin the Hall of Champions, and within the locked pages of certain tomesthat the Chapter holds, are described someof the most pivotal moments in the Imperiums history. Weren't the PDF versions the same or very similar price to hardcopy anyway? The Grey Knights teleported A demi-brotherhood of Grey Knights,the churning warp that enveloped them. amassedfraction by fraction over As every Grand Master has an equal The brotherhoodfaced legions of daemon millennia. Few barrages of stormstrike missiles and be circled by the psychic echoes of least known Chapterrituals. He of arcaneciphers, spatial displacers andalone cornered Mkachen,the Lord of magical vortices. This evil, though perhapsthegreatest onTitan,is far from the only one kept safe by the Chambersof Purity. Thoseraw powerof their machinespirit. This model has been converted by the Warhammer 40,000 Army Painters to _ strike a suitably heroic pose. oose fromcan be foundin this section. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like 9ed Codex [Imperium] - Adeptus Astartes - Grey Knights now. Though the Grey Knights prime concern Chaplainsare the spiritual leaders of the is the daemonic menace,theyfight Grey Knights. Champions,as they also do before battle. They are one of the most heavily shielded andTerraitself among manyothers, Aldrik capable of invoking all mannerof diverse guardedlocations in the Imperium,forVoldus has proven at least to others - incantations. The squad could be expected to fightin. The drove millions to insanity andrebellious without their powers, stoically enduringancient teleportariums were boosted by cults arose in many of Terras hivecities. to provide watchful eyes throughout combat and between engagements. the Grand Master determines where ready to die in his commander's stead. stasis vaults, and in frozen, truesilvered crypts rest the Chapters genetic legacies.Great walls and columnsare engravedwith the Grey Knights battle honours, THE WARP NEXUSand grand bannersandtrophies are hungin the Hall of Champions.In the fortress A star-shaped chamberat the heart ofdepthslie the Chambersof Purity, said to the Citadel of Titan resounds to theguard amongother horrors the most ceaseless chants and prayers of hundredssacred or dangerousrelics that the Grey of Chapter serfs. Thanks 27 19 comments Best Add a Comment IAmInYourGarage 2 yr. ago Until the start of yournext Psychic phase, each time that enemy unitmakes a Normal Move, Advances, Falls Back, ormakes a charge move,roll one D6: on a 4-5, thatenemyunit suffers D3 mortal wounds;on 6,that enemyunit suffers 3 mortal wounds. focusing crystals, and then unleashed as a prove too dire for the psychic chirurgeryTheritual of dedication binds the weapon punishingblast of azure psychic lances. 8th Edition [ edit] 8th Edition was released in June 2017. same vision, but nothing wascertain. 68 Venerable Dreadnought The Brotherhoods Chapter Approved Rules0 68 Dreadnought The Wardmakers Name Generator Interceptor Squad Chambers of Purity Crusade Rules Purgation Squad ~Hall of Champions Agendas ; Nemesis Dreadknight. Mastersofall weaponsare we, all BlasphemousActsshall be Atoned. Thus a Techmarine must balance the twosidesof his nature: firearms, whose difficulty to manufacture to serve the goals of the Grey Knights but - andferociousrecoil limit their use accordingto the traditions of the Adeptus to the Imperiums martialelite. They can be This section provides wargear lists referenced in the wargeargiven psychic powersfrom either the Dominusor Sanctic options of certain Grey Knights datasheets, as well as profiles fordisciplines. next it has passed, and is now inThe Purifiers epitomise the Chapters the iron grip of Castellan Crowe.sanctity of purpose. The liquid miasmaUpon the mounds centre was the Mallacopia. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. The Grand RITES AND RITUALS their foes futures, seeing so clearly where Masteris notsolely a strategist, but also they will be that they make virtually a paragon of martial might; his presence The Grey Knights often fight the most impossible shots. Grey Knights made of the Cicatrix Maledictum. Men and women whosurvive as warriors of other Space Marine Legion vessels inside the warp,positioned a daemonic incursion, even those who Chapters and,occasionally, high-ranking in an octagonal formation. Codex Grey Knights - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Paladin Ancient Ordo Malleus. Warlord Traits Servitors Chapter Organisation MatchedPlay Rules.00..00..0.0000. The Grey Knightsknow with chilling intimacythe difference, and the need to employ every weaponin their unending war with the daemon. The simple desig= represent their deeds, thoughto outsiders the meanings of these mysterious symbolsdisplay their personal heraldries, often honoured with seals of are unknown.As a Grey Knight advancesin rank he will add to his shield to reflect hissacred wax bearing vows of purgationorsanctity. Three heads jostled upon his hunched | denounce you, abomination, In Nomine Veritas!shoulders, each split by a fang-filled mouth. They depict died on these quests, refusing to abandon worlds and the purgingof unhallowed the Grey Knights ancestors: Chapter them andincur grave dishonour.It is evil. They maintain manyof - countless battles against the alien, mutant the Chapters traditions and inculcate and heretic and manytrophiesin the Hall neophytesin the strictures they must stand as testamentto thesevictories. Two hundredyears earlier, Draigo defeatedthe daemon M'kar the Rebornthere, and the creature hadsworn its revenge.This time,however, as Draigo cast the selfsame daemoninto a warprift;the creatures spite was not donewith him. At times, it hasvalour ora tally of grim deeds, anda even offered up aid to him, as heGrey Knight may serve with unblemished faced one of its daemonicrivals.distinction throughouthis functionally Crowe mustforever be on hisimmortallifetime without being granted guard. Each houses a mass-reactive tip that triggers an against the tenets of Mars, Techmarines explosive once the bolt has penetrated knowthe foe their Chapterfaces in a way its target, inflicting crater-like wounds. westrike without warning or dread. Withlittle effort, a Battlethey despatch strike forces of daemon- Ready force can be quickly assembled andhunting Space Marines, battle tanks and formidable force. They wield arcane strike force of Grey Knights. Many existences allow many to manipulate oversees their wider commitments Grey Knightstrike cruisers and of these Librariansfight alongside the strands of fate-aswellas to the Chapters sacred fighting battle barges deploying elements the 3rd Brotherhoodin battle races such as the meddlesome of the 2nd Brotherhood are Aeldari. Like this book? There are few in the Imperium that heroes granted a form of immortality a measure of the Paladins status that a know ofsuch heroics and fewerstill in whichto inspire those who take up Grey Knight seeking admission is willing whorecord them. subtlety. Though createdto act find a place within oneof the othertheir vital duties. THEY ARE THE EMPEROR'S FINAL BOON TO HUMANITY A GIFT MANKIND WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO FATHOM.CONTENTS TatrOdUCHON oe. are often chosen,yet only if they Brotherhoodregularly undertake The 2ndis often in the vanguard The Wardmakers Grand Master have shownparticular aptitude hammerblowstrikes with great is concurrently the Wardenofthe andare considered too valuable numbersof the Chapters reserves of combined brotherhood assaults, an asset to risk on the battlefield. ThoughSpell or Incantation blocksus, Whenallflee in hideous disarray, the Emperorshall see us Victorious. called Ynnari cults, in which the brotherhood ENerlice\monde)conrere Meatccreymecron(Coon but more remain, anda gestalt sentiencestirs. No Malevolent Spirit will opposeus, shall delve into the Dark Shadows. Itdaemonkind. At the head of every brotherhoodis the in the thickestfighting, adaptinghis Chapter should they wish. Though the Chambersof Purity and their sanctified guardians are hiddenaway, itis to ensure the security of something deeper and darker a secret they are laced there to guard.The Chapters legendstell that a great Only the Iron Grimoireis believed toevil lies entombed amongstthe roots disclose the truth. When the Prognosticarsforetold a great evil would arise there,a demi-brotherhoodled by Brother-Captain Stern discovered the planetalready in the grip of a rebellion. Bones there are too, of however, their numbers seldom drop sofallen saints and enslaving prophet- low as to rendertheir duties unfulfilled. At the momentofcontact, the empyric charge is unleashedin a blastof azure light.Usethis Stratagem in your Charge phase, when aBLADEsoF Victory CORE INFANTRY unit from yourarmyfinishes a charge move.Select one enemyunit within Engagement Rangeof that BLADES OFVictory unit and roll one D for each modelin thatBLADESOF VICTORYunit that is within EngagementRangeofthat enemy unit. . - [data protocols missing], Inquisitorial Representative to the 666th Chapter, Adeptus Astartes Peia Wirttyies Chapter Louncil Lhambers of PurityHigh Paladin Koiar Tempus, Paragon Prime Chapter Lord Kaldor Draigo, Castellan Garran Crowe, Championof the Order OParaIaRy meae GrandMastersof the Eight Brotherhoodsapietitedty sa 2" Brotherhood 3 Brotherhood 4" Brotherhood ONaeaaa The Blades of Victory UTMGrraes We area ccaGrand Master VardanKai, Grand Master Vorth Mordrak, Grand Master Aldrik Voldus, Grand Master Drystann Cromm, Steward of the Armoury Admiralof the Fleet Wardenof the Librarius Iaam eerBrother-Captain Cadrig Pelenas Brother-Captain Arno Trevan Seldom OnloeVWAUacrelniNCoat Brother-Captain Ionan GrudThe Swordbearers werelast reported across six (erevOM VENI(oa Coeelecla cover unta ssteas Thoughit cost the brotherhood dearly, Following the prophecies of the Prognosticars,war zones in Segmentum Tempestus, hunting of Victory through the systemsof the Brother-Captain Sternwashailed for his elementsof the Prescient Brethren lead a actions on the Planetof the Sorcerers that EVoerevsereMtOlancrueseeu mcacocy Daeva Consortium,a trading empire in the halted a fell ritual of Magnus the Red.Yet the Soe gscoronoeMyoy etrena etera.NSacteT adjacent to the Sirens Storm. 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