After returning from a mission, he goes to her apartment and tells her he was trying to move on, but realized he was running away from the fact that he still loves her. They break up when he hesitates after she asks him if she was a wrong turn, indicating that she was. Ray Perry. Is it She couldnt find the right words to ask what she needed to know. Clay took Sonny's keys and drove out to a field in rural Virginia where they spent the night, drinking and shooting the shit. After killing three insurgents with mortars, they come under attack by insurgents with a technical, requiring immediate air support, which will take an hour. Tears sprang to her eyes, which was incredibly embarrassing, but everything hurt so much and she was tired and scared and she never, ever wanted to do something like that again. Yeah but not your typical kind of day. He eyed her suspiciously. Silence reigned once more and she hated it. Were all safe. We can do sliders tomorrow night., He wandered to the meat section then grabbed a case of her favorite beer on the way back to find her. Clay Spenser has, undeniably, had a rough childhood. Or begin relying on vices- drinking nonstop, in other words- to deal with his issues. added Will include everyone but most definitely a focus on Mandy and Jason!! And if the main inspiration to visit your son is to relieve your own guiltthen thats something that also needs to be worked on, a lot. Jason Hayes did not report that Spencer violated the order, and this prevented Abu Samir from being taken alive. Im sorry., No, no, its uh, its okay. He ran a hand through his hair and she tried not to see the look of hurt that flashed across his face. Bravo had been on mission, they had been traipsing through a Jungle, listening the Sonny complain and Clay tell him to man up. That's not to say they didn't collectively work as a team to get her out of the house or that she was ever alone. Clay finally got to be placed on Bravo, his dream team, but he had no idea that Bravo would treat him like trash. She grabbed his hand and pressed her whole body against him, lips finding his once again. So 9 and 10 were the toughest, but I think something that when I look back, Im gonna be proud of. *Incoherent Screeching*: Its ragweed. 6. They spoke at the same time. How long until we have exfil? Trent asked. changed his name to There are a million reasons to stop it. Shoot anything that isnt us.. What can you tease about how theyll get out of that situation? Ill take point, Ray said. I can go now if you. Thanks allyhope for the prompt! But the thought of him walking out that door was agony. What they were thinking of doing was career suicide. Literally fight me bitch! She may have gotten away with it if she hadn't had th. Clay was part of SEAL Team 3 as Chalk 2, Alpha Platoon before graduating Green Team and making it to Bravo Team. Clay is seen to be fearless, often going through the door first or jumping off a 70ft oil rig, in Fracture. 75. He's determined to prove them all wrong, that he is not like Ash. In this fanfic, an old member of the SEAL team joins the Bravo Team. During the events of Season 3 - particularly after meeting Ambassador Nicole Marsden - Clay begins to wonder how he can "point the spear, not just be the tip" (i.e. Im at least five years older than you. Could you please cough literally anywhere else? Clay griped, wrinkling his nose as Sonny covered his mouth with his elbow and hacked away. So it will take a lot, if not everything, to get Sonny off the battlefield. He is a second-generation Tier-One Operator, and his father, Ash Spenser is a former member of SEAL Team 3. Once Bravo discovers the truth about Clay's childhood, they realize that they now have to fight to earn Clay's trust and respect. [12] Clay briefly mentions Rebecca to Sonny while working out. Just need a second to catch my breath., Characters: Sonny Quinn, Clay Spenser, Lisa Davis, Jason Hayes, and the rest of the team. She should tell him to go home. While in the rec room, Mike stirs up trouble, revealing Clay has accepted STA-21, causing a fight between Clay and Jason. Shed gone to jail and there hadnt even been so much as a phone call. Buckley, Toni Trucks. Please consider turning it on! Season 6 Episode 3. For [this two-parter], I would stock up at Costco on some Kleenex because you think [Episode] 9 is a tough one? name to Rated K. Grief/Mourning. After their de-briefing, Sonny goes on about how he is excited to watch a UT football game. Sort by: Hot. The more tough lessons early on, the fewer errors you make later. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Or, how three very different people handle trauma in three very different ways. Clay, she croaked desperately. Sonny why did you come tonight?, He shrugged. At the barbecue sendoff, Sonny accuses him of ratting him out to Lindell for punching that guy, and it gets out, he is considering leaving the team to become an Admiral. Clay suddenly swivels to the right as he becomes aware of a new threat, but it's too late. There is one person though that won't let Emma become Ash's next victim, Clay. Joining them would be . Speaking of lashing out at Davis, the Sonny-Davis relationship this season has been so tense. Contains Clay whump, Sonny whump, a little torture, and a bit of Savis. He is told in The New Normal that he will be able to operate again in the future, but it will not be with Bravo Team. A miracle. Ray convinced him that Spenser's actions were justified. The surgical grafts and reconstruction surgery were successful, but neural pathways may never heal completely. You cant see me but Im pinching the bridge of my nose. That was kinda hairy there for a second., I said Im fine Sonny. She flashed him the fakest half smile hed ever seen. Snippets of Clay and Emma's future together. Ill uh, Ill go. He reached for the door. [1] After suffered traumatic damage to the femoral nerve in both legs, Clay was unable to operate for 8 months. Hes been a bit of a hothead this season. Its three. Stella asks if they are still friends, though visibly disappointed, Clay agrees they are. "You are burning up buddy. It sounds like Sonny needed the lighthearted moment of blowing things up in Episode 9 before things get really tough in 10. Lisa was trained for combat but that didnt mean she was enjoying fighting for her life. And it isn't until the next night does he find out he has been duped. - Bravo locates the camp and after they chase Azfaar into a tunnel he is cornered and Clay shoots him dead, as he goes to reach for a trip wire attached to a pressure plate. Hes bleeding out, Trent said bluntly. After that, all new! Good thing youre out here with us. Its so frustrating. Fine my ass. To what? Go to sleep. mom, - why is judd lormand leaving seal team why is judd lormand leaving seal team. Authors Note. [22] Bravo is sent in to break up a group of gathering extremists. Id say probably 9 and 10 were the toughest all year emotionally by far. To Ash, she is the perfect victim for him to take control of. If you want me to go, just say the word, Sonny said. Ain't nothing but a band aid, not a real fix. changed They eventually escape on a bus but the Ambassador refuses to leave, wanting to get a phone call out, believing it will bring peace between the two tribes she had already been working with. Moreover, other cast members such as Max Thieriot and A.J. dad Maybe I should just head home., He stood and walked toward the door. *Finger Guns*: Clay's ignored his trauma for nearly 15 years and he's facing it a whole bunch right now, This man is my personal punching bag at this point, I've done so much research it's not funny, no beta because I am too much of a coward to ask my friends so instead I just post it. Trent Sawyer your just mad you didnt come up with it first. In Other Lives he trains along with Brian Armstrong at Adam's course, while Brian helps someone else Clay uses the chance to get an advantage on his competitor. When a simple mission goes wrong, the team has to leave their little brother and sister behind, and it's a race to get to them in time, or will they live with the regret of their decisions? Everything was as it should be, until Blackburn called him to his office and everything got turned upside down. Following on directly from "Scream in Silence"Bravo Team has brought Riley 'home', but she still has a long road ahead of her and a obstacles to overcome.Luckily she has new friends to help and guide her - whether she wants them, or not! Clay, ten oclock, Ray said and Lisa watched as the youngest team member easily took out a man who was at least a football field away. The first three chapters have been previously published in other stories. Calm and Collected, Sonny said sarcastically. [22], Clay spends the next couple of weeks with soldiers from the 101st airborne division in the korengal valley as punishment. However after a mission that sends him to Africa in order to protect a doctor from Ebola, he begins questioning why their safety is put in such danger over what was continuously described as an easy fixed situation. Or worse, did he regret having done it at all? In which Clay and Ray prove they are literally children, *Incoherent Screeching*: Work Search: Written for @badthingshappenbingo. Remind me never to go to a party at your place! Lisa yelled, ducking down as another round of fire flew over their heads. It was an odd season, for sure, because our filming schedules were so different from when Max was there. It's always been traumatic, but quick. changed But when a mysterious visitor comes calling one morning; the information he has will set those involved on a course none of them expected -. Or at least, that's what she tells all of them. [11], After meeting Rebecca Bowen at the funeral for Ambassador Nicole Marsden, he later returns home from Paris, France to find a pair of shoes delivered to him from her. She took a breath and gritted her teeth before giving him a nod. It seems as though he is going to end things with her, to protect her from the pain his job can inflict on loved ones, but he comes to the conclusion that choosing life without her would be the wrong decision. He made good on his word several times over before they both collapsed breathless into her bed for the second time in less than twenty-four hours. Not necessarily in chronological order. Jason comes to find he needs to prove to not only Clay, but Emma, that he can be a changed man. Stay, she managed in between kisses. Youll walk away, Jason told him. When he leaves the room Brock informs everyone the game has already taken place, and the gang decides to mess with him. pure angel 2 - Sonny - spoilers through Episode 1.11 "Containment" x. With another week of TV gone by, we're lobbing queries left and right about shows including The Flash, Prodigal Son, SEAL Team, the . But he went to her place and she let him in. If you want me to write anything, don't be afraid to request it. *finger guns*: Night. scotland pa musical bootleg most accurate deep ball qb 2021 why is judd lormand leaving seal team. Afterwards Adam announces the release of a bottom-five list that will end up sending one hopeful home. This impressed Captain Lindell, and when he returns from Africa, he is offered entrance into the Seaman To Admiral-21 (STA-21) Program, one of the Navy's officer-commissioning programs. But when that threat comes from within Bravo it is one they never saw coming. During a shoot out in the street, Clay takes the enemy's machine gun and uses it against them. There are to help maintain the peace only to find out the power station has been taken over by Armenian terrorists. Sonny opened the door of his truck and swung his feet out the side, took a deep breath walked back in the building. Is that what you think it was?, No I she swallowed and mentally scolded herself. Having that core group of guys that youre with every day that continues on in battle and youre sort of left behind can cause all sorts of scenarios. And if Clay Spenser wasnt the poster child for what being a SEAL could do to your relationship with your kids, he didnt know who was. Please heed the WARNINGS! *finger guns*, - Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. TV Shows: SEAL Team fanfiction archive with over 622 stories. . He is becoming increasingly aware this high-profile mission was used with them as pawns, and they were purposely left in the dark. Would you say theres hope for Sonny and Davis romantically at this point? have some say in what missions the SEALs, especially Bravo, are deployed). She was no shrinking violet but this kind of combat was a little outside her comfort zone. Clay started a program of physical therapy and rehabilitation to regain strength in his legs, but was warned he still might never be able to operate again. I thought that was a really great episode as far as just seeing off the battlefield how strong their brotherhood is, [and] how much they care about each other. The truth might be closer to the fact that the title of 'Favorite Uncle' is an ever shifting and evolving right that depends entirely on situation and circumstance. Dickwad, -*finger guns* Relationship (s) Clay & Emma are already dating and have told Bravo. Season 5 of Seal Team is going to see the return of its core characters. changed Ray Perry Bravo. What the hell would they do without us? Clay asked. The next day it's revealed that Clay is on the bottom-five list. *finger guns* It really hits home. *finger guns* Theyre the only team who can handle a time-sensitive op. They reconcile and begin dating again. Clay and Liz were the youngest members of Bravo and some of the most unlucky and stubborn people the team knew. Clay finally got to be placed on Bravo, his dream team, but he had no idea that Bravo would treat him like trash. Am I?, Youre all right, he said quickly. This basically takes place after 3x20. *finger guns* Clay returns to the states genuinely sad for her passing. See you all tomorrow. Her mouth was dry, her body was on fire, her head ached, and it felt like her limbs weighed a hundred pounds each. Clay Spenser is an extremely intelligent and motivated member of Bravo Team and uoften comes across as cocky and arrogant. Bravo did have to get to work, despite losing a brother, and the episode ended on a cliffhanger, with the helicopter taken down. He, Cerberus, Sonny, and Vic had been silent entering the stairwell, and the music playing below them should've been enough to cover whatever noise they might have made as they crept down the stairs. Someone who accepted her, even wanted her, for who she was. Im Trent. He leaves him his SEAL patch before being flown back to Bravo. Halfway through, they find out an incredibly dangerous pure form of the disease has been taken, and could possibly be used as a weapon. Maybe more.. Hell be fine, Sonny said, taking a deep swig of his beer. The fans want them, but its like the Mulder-Scully relationship [on The X-Files]. Thats what matters.. Everyone is impressed, including the young man he feels guilty about that got shot. Bravo is in a good mood, feeling like theyre one step closer to getting home, when Jason (David Boreanaz) gets the call that Clays dead. The hour was late and she'd known full well why he'd come by. 7. Stay between us. What blows me away about special operations guys is their ability to adapt and overcome. Clays disaster and Jasons terror Oh no you dont. [6x08 did not happen in my AU]Chapter 11: First problem.Chapter 12: Clay's recovery continues. Kind of. Frog on the Tracks. Brock Reynolds God damn it she felt like shit. . 4. 8. Buckley talks about Sonny handling Clays death, including a big moment to come in the finale and more. 236. This is the story of how one girl caught his attention, not for romance, but because she was an awkward, scared, fish out of water and reminded him of his late sister at that age. She reached out and touched his face. He feels at home on the battlefield. Once Bravo discovers the truth about Clay's childhood, they realize that they now have to fight to earn Clay's trust and respect. Clay I swear you better have a good explanation to this. You go first, she said, taking another sip of her beer. I cant think. Night losers! It felt like her body had become one with the mattress and she was loathe to change that anytime soon. 3. Characters: Sonny Quinn, Trent Sawyer, Jason Hayes, Clay Spencer In which Clay and Ray prove they are literally children. And 4. stunt coordinator (44 episodes, 2017-2019) Were there any other scenes you would say were the toughest to film? changed With David Boreanaz, Neil Brown Jr., A.J. *Incoherent Screeching*: Let me look at you. Trent pulled out a penlight and Sonny swatted him away with a frown. This is a really bad idea, she managed. added Sonny, of course, wants to go home immediately. Oh, and as . Crawl, Walk, Run. A/N: This is one of those gifts of a fic that just sprang up fully formed while re-watching S1E5Collapse. I ship the Savis guys. Speaks; Hausa, Yoruba, Mende, Arabic, Pashto, Urdu, Marathi, French, Spanish and Mandarin. In what world do we need two bags of potato chips?, In a world where maybe we have some guests over. Come on., Yes you can. The one where Clay and Emma discover they both feel more for each other than they are willing to admit. But his screams at the tarmac caught the attention of Admiral Greenleaf, who hates Ash and everything related to him. There is a lot of relatively graphic hurt before we get to the comfort. How was she supposed to speak when she could barely breathe? SEAL Team fic. We should stop. His voice was hoarse. Sonny Quinn A collection of smutty holiday one shots. Mom: A hand on her shoulder made her jerk so violently she felt her neck pop. We had a feeling something was gonna go, we just didnt know what way it was gonna go. Jameelah Perry doesn't have a favorite Uncle. I'M TAKING REQUESTS Book of One shot and imagines about Seal Team. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". bullying +8 more # 3. She looked a little green for his liking and her shirt was practically plastered to her body with sweat. Lisa His voice was a growl against her mouth. Yeah you seem real calm, Blackburn said. How on earth they could stay so calm with all this chaos going on she would never know. The way he was looking at her right now made her feel like she was the only person in the world who mattered. Buckley will return to their roles as Clay Spenser and Sonny Quinn respectively. Sonny, of course, wants to go home immediately. He is temporarily promoted to B2 following Ray Perry's removal from active duty. It was a truly sad moment, especially for Sonny. Bravo 2 (Temporary), Clay Spenser, was a Navy SEAL and Special Warfare Operator First Class of Bravo Team, and was referred to as B6, or Bravo 6. There are little ears her Jason! Bravo team is sent out with a strap to collect an HVT and things go horribly wrong, leaving three of them in the hands of the enemy. Oh thank you Mr. As soon as shed let him inside her apartment, shed put another crack in the wall theyd been slowly chipping away at for weeks. Summary: Sonny and Lisa together is a bad idea. So them being there and getting on top of his pill problem and just reassuring him that their brotherhood is still strong was really important. name to It has to be worse for Sonny because he doesnt have the full picture of what happened. *finger guns* Clay I swear you better have a good explanation to this. Its been rough people. Trying to lift a hand got her nowhere so instead she turned her head to the side and immediately locked eyes with none other than Sonny Quinn. But is hesitant to tell his team members. I dont like it any better than you do, but the situation is what it is, so unless you have a better plan, sit down and shut up!. Oh no you dont. So, she said after a moment of uncomfortable silence, you just left Clay all on his own?. He's determined to prove them all wrong, that he is not like Ash. I adore Broadway, television, and reading. Right. Shed forgotten how late it was. In the Season 4 final One Life to Live, after returning from deployment, Clay, still grappling with the loss of Full Metal, expresses to Jason that he doesn't think it's fair to bring Stella into this life. Eric Blackburn is an intelligent, conscientious man and therefore he is respected within the Military, particularly by the members of Bravo Team. Emma never thought a night out for a book reading would change her life forever. Read up above Brock but I think a head count would be a good idea. Im alive. After that, all new! If yall are going to be assholes Im just going to take my charming personality to another part of this transport.. And I only have one bag left., Jason worked his jaw for a couple seconds. Her boys were seriously lethal. Feeling so conflicted about the last scene of 911 LS last night. [4] Despite constantly seeming confrontational or argumentative, Clay is extremely close with the members of Bravo Team as they often blame his cockiness on his youth, finding him extremely dependable in the field, in the operation room and, as a friend. Shit! Trent lurched toward him, then swore again when he saw how much blood had gone into the bandages. clayspenser. Warnings will be in each chapter of what is about so you can read or skip the chapter if needed. And while shed seemed all right on the drive back he wanted to make sure that she was good to go. A mistake?, Her heart was in her throat as she waited for his response. Crush pt1 A/N: So, I recently fell into yet another wormhole and binged the first two seasons of SEAL team in less time than I should have used to watch it. She was making herself nervous. Blackburn always puts his team first, at times bending the rules in order . New episodes Wednesdays at 9/8c on @CBSTV and @ParamountPlus. Things were good between them. He needs another transfusion., Lisa could bleed out too. to the group chat. It is 68 chapters long, so there is enough to keep you busy. Please come on in. Lisas voice held sharp notes of sarcasm as she closed the door behind him. How do you all keep forgetting that? Brock Reynolds Talk about finding out about Clays death. A little plot bunny was running around my head and so I had to write it. Ill see you tomorrow.. to Clay and Ray. Sonny finally stopped, pressing her into a shadowy spot. to the chat. [20] He mulls option over with Rebecca, as this would be his last opportunity as there is an age limit, but not sure if he wants to give up being a door kicker. She felt like shit. Fandom: SEAL Team. Unfortunately the building is attacked and she dies in his arms. Clay Spenser, was a Navy SEAL and Special Warfare Operator First Class of Bravo Team, and was referred to as B6, or Bravo 6. We've got questions, and you've (maybe) got answers! I felt really bad for [showrunner] Spencer [Hudnut] because having to figure out a way within the world to do this to Clay, theres no easy way to do [that]. *Incoherent Screeching*: Sonny took the bags from her hands and put them into the cart. Lisa has a date and Sonny finds out. Clay was dealing with that. Mom: He nearly got both of you killed. Sonny stalked away in search of Davis, shooting a dirty look at Crowley along the way. Jason Hayes She looked up into his eyes, searching for answers. Should we maybetalk about it?, He raised his eyebrows. We dont have that kind of time, Trent said. Lisa! She was avoiding the question and he was too twisted up to be graceful about how he dealt with it. Even though he almost beat the crap out of a complete stranger the other night?, Sonny thought for a second. While there he meets Ambassador Nicole Marsden, and is very impressed with her dedication to her job, preventing civil war between two warring tribes. Bringing this up on their walk over to Vadim Tarasov. [23] Bravo tracks down a gun for hire that has been jailed. And then in 10, whatever happens in 10 youll understand when you see it theres this sort of release that he needed. Me neither., Good. Days later after being tasked with taking over a ship holding hostages, Jason finally agrees to go with Ray's plan, leading to a successful outcome. Could be another hour. TV Shows SEAL Team. To Ash, she is the perfect victim for him to take control of. 200 guests You havent slept in days. They both know it. Hed had court side seats to watching Jason and Alana implode, nursed Trent and Brock through more than one bender and subsequent hangover precipitated by a woman. And pollen., Sonny stood up and glared at all of them. Bastard: He is a second-generation Tier-One Operator, and his father, Ash Spenser is a former member of SEAL Team 3. Jason held up a hand, shaking his head. Get ready to move out, Jayll be calling any second.. Get that thing outta my face.. Scott 'Full Metal' Carter was having an ordinary day. Recommended Listening: Poison and Wine by the Civil Wars. What he had was allergies. The hour was late and shed known full well why hed come by. Stupid politicians. Therefore, immediately after the end of Green Team, as punishment, Clay is deprived of the opportunity to get into one of the special groups and sent for three months to Fort Redding. Trent Sawyers I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me"This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazyI need somebody to healSomebody to knowSomebody to haveSomebody to holdIt's easy to sayBut it's never the sameI guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain", As requested, here is the origin story to Itch. Lisa was a damn good Logistics Specialist and she kept a pretty cool head, but she wasnt an Operator and their situation had been extremely tenuous. SEAL TEAM fans are excited for the series to return on CBS, and star AJ Buckley, who portrays Sonny Quinn, has caused a frenzy amongst viewers with his latest Instagram post about the show. Jason comes to find out the side, took a deep swig of his.. You cant see me but Im pinching the bridge of my nose only to he... Read, write, review, and a bit of Savis lips finding his once.... Hesitates after she asks him if she was the only Team who can handle a time-sensitive op phone... Be proud of 3 as Chalk 2, Alpha Platoon before graduating Green and. Odd season, for who she was good to go home immediately she have! Away about special operations guys is their ability to adapt and overcome who handle... With a frown theres this sort of release that he needed he and. And she was no shrinking violet but this kind of time, trent said out of a that. The bags from her hands and put them into the cart he dealt with it of relatively graphic before! 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