James Morgan "Jimmy" McGill, better known by his professional alias and business moniker Saul Goodman, is an Irish-American criminal defense lawyer, scam artist, and convicted criminal who is serving an 86-year sentence at ADX Montrose. Francesca soon finds herself at an abandoned convenience store in the middle of the desert, idling near some payphones. Jimmy meets with an insurance agent to try and get a refund on his malpractice insurance policy. Trying to defuse a heated argument, Jimmy attempts to reason with Bauer, until his own anger builds, and he coldly advises the captain to let the matter go, resulting in Bauer storming out while making a violent public scene. People that want to shut him up permanently, people that want to shake him down for cash, people that want to shake him down for info, he's got a million reasons to flee and very few to stick around, I think people may be forgetting that Skylar was cooperating by this point too. Now that he's no longer with D&M, Jimmy proposes Wexler McGill - a joint partnership with Kim, sharing all expenses and costs, as well as profits. [beat] You called him. He's even notorious among the police because he makes their jobs way too difficult. This information supplied by Jesse through Saul later becomes vital in Walt's plan on getting rid of Gustavo Fring. That night, as I was leaving my office, I was attacked. Fact two: Now, the prosecution keeps bandying this term "criminal trespass." His business name, "Saul Goodman," is a play on the phrase "it's all good, man.". They'll figure out Jesse was part of the ring at some point, either by Skyler confessing about him or DNA found at Jack's compound. It's who you are. Forced to leave early when Walt comes home, Mike witnesses the Cousins entering with an axe, and quickly places a call to Gus to call them off. Jesse reports that he was able to find all the precursor chemicals except for methylamine. Also, the DEA and feds should be OK-ish now, given that they've (probably) let Skylar go with the information she was able to give with the location of Hank and Gomez' bodies. Using his powers of persuasion, Jimmy talks Tuco out of killing the twins, but has convince him to go for the more "fair" punishment of breaking one leg from each of the twins, since the Lindholms had falsely claimed Tuco's grandmother had broken one of their legs. In addition, Gene's threatening actions towards Marion show just how much he has changed since his time as Jimmy McGill who, despite being a crook, cared deeply about the elderly and even destroyed his own reputation with his clients to make what he did to Irene Landry right. ("Blood Money"), When Hank discovers that Walt was Heisenberg the entire time, Walt goes to Saul's office so they can discuss what to do with this problem. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Mike forces Saul to give him information on Jesse's whereabouts, even threatening to severely injure Saul in case he doesn't collaborate. Moron. On the other end of the line is Gene, calling from a diner in Nebraska. 'Cause it's too small! Jimmy was quickly brought in by the police on charges of property damage, assault, and and a possible sex offense. Jimmy watches with pride as the clerk lives up to his word and adamantly denies having seen Jimmy, even in the face of Ernesto's statements. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? You're not gonna play by the rules. Because once the feds start of investigate Walt/Heisenberg for his crimes the feds are going to realize that Saul was Heisenberg's silent partner, Saul would be arrested for assisting in laundering drug money. So, Saul Good man was rather foolish when he decided to flee. He crosses paths with Kim, who is also doing mail rounds. I'm like a god in human clothing! When Buddy says that he removed the duct tape from Lingk's lock, Gene angrily fires him and warns him to not talk about what they've been doing. In 2002, Jimmy works hard at his own law practice but enjoys little success. He finally outs himself as crooked in front of his elderly clients, which both vindicates Irene and cancels the Sandpiper settlement. In order to protect Kim from being prosecuted by Howard's widow, Saul confessed to everything at his hearing. You with me, ladies and gentlemen? This guy will already be dead! You were never gonna get it. ("End Times"), At police headquarters, Jesse stonewalls the detectives until Saul arrives. Jimmy hit rock bottom when a particularly sordid incident lead to his arrest, but a dismayed Chuck was able to get him off the hook for all the charges. ("Off Brand"), Jimmy tries to fulfill his court-mandated community service while also trying to sell his commercials, but can't convince anybody to sign on for more than one or two spots, and more often, none at all. I speak from experience! And it just obviously, obviously is as well. Not only that, he claimed he was doing some things under duress; proving to the court that he was being threatened (which he was, when he tried to leave) shouldn't be so hard to prove. Well, that's that'll have to do it for me. The greatest threat to Goodman came in the form of the neo-Nazis who killed the two DEA agents and then stole White's Continue Reading 93 Chris Krhovjak He has shown to have also become more arrogant, as seen by his outburst at Howard after he confronts him for his harassment, claiming a job at HHM is too small and meaningless for him, since he is a god as Saul Goodman. A further complication arises when Mike enlists Jimmy to represent his employer Daniel Wormald, who has implicated himself in a drug deal. But y-you're up to your ears in Mesa Verde. Looks like a mirror image there. "Crazy." Wasting no time, Saul called Bill Oakley (Peter Diseth) to help represent him in his case as co-counsel, and he met with law enforcement to discuss his sentence. ("Buried"), Saul later bails Jesse out after he gets arrested for throwing money out of his car window, and chides him for not calling him sooner. That's when you want someone in your corner, someone who will fight tooth and nail. However, Chuck deduces exactly what Jimmy has done and openly accuses him when Jimmy and Kim come to pick up the files. You have gotta let me do this on my own.Jimmy to Kim about the cassette tape incident. I mentioned her. I still don't understand why Saul had to go in hiding. But this little Juan Valdez bump-and-dump? Here we go! Theres a diagram floating around that breaks down all the crimes we see and know about in breaking bad its really good and spells out exactly the laws hes broken. I travel in worlds you can't even imagine! He is completely focused on his own interests and is willing to ruin people's lives in the pursuit of his interests. You called Hamlin. Big reason I became a lawyer was Chuck. Although Jimmy realizes his dreams have been dashed, he wishes Kim well with her career. "Better Call Saul," which sent Gene into a panic that he had been recognized. You need to know if I believed that tape was evidence. As police swarm Omaha, Gene climbs into a dumpster and removes Ed Galbraith's business card from his shoebox. Kim, still angered by Howard's comments, proposes a forced resolution of the Sandpiper case by sabotaging Howard, which would enable Jimmy to receive his seven-figure share of the settlement. I watched the first episode of Better Call Saul, and he's in that coffee shop in Omaha looking over his shoulder, but I'm still not sure why. I mean, hey, that reception you got yesterday at HHMhow 'bout that, right? ("Switch"), During another workday, Gene takes a lunch break on the second floor of the mall, he sees a young man ducking into a photo booth. Jeff sells the information to criminals in exchange for money and payments in whiskey; Jeff stockpiles his proceeds on top of his hidden shoebox. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. After Tuco lets the trio go, Jimmy drives the twins to the hospital, where he takes pride from the fact that he got the twins off from a "death sentence" to "six months probation", claiming to be the "best lawyer ever". However, Jimmy's hopes would not come into fruition, as Kim decided to resign from her career as an attorney and leave Jimmy for good, saying that they were both bad for each other and hurt people around them. During his suspension from practicing law, Jimmy worked as a cell phone salesman at CC Mobile, where he began to use the nickname "Saul Goodman" again. The neo-Nazis had Jesse - Walt and Skylar had no interest in confessing to their crimes, meaning that the only loose end was Jesse. He drives off while humming "Smoke on the Water," as Marco did during their scam sprees together. Im done with that. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Gene weeps, heartbroken at the reminder of the man he used to be and can never be again. Platt has a Saul Goodman card he took from a drug dealer he busted and tells Jimmy to sell is phones to a different clientele elsewhere. Later, while he is fixing food in the prison kitchen, Jimmy is told that a lawyer has come to see him. ("Wine and Roses") After being rescued by Walt from Jack Welker's Compound following the gang massacre and moments before Walt's death, Jesse seeks out the services of Saul's "disappearer" Ed again. However, he is well respected and revered by his fellow inmates because of his history as Saul. Instead, they threaten him with a switchblade, causing Jimmy to run. Find somebody who's alone, with money! I've been paying for it ever since. Using this payoff, he stages a publicity stunt by creating a deliberately plagiarized version of HHM's billboard featuring himself made up to resemble Howard. Judge Samantha SmallMr. He certainly had good reason to fear prosecution, so I don't think this was a plot hole at all. Jack's gang could have just as easily still had it in the DVD player or on a shelf. By Breaking Bad, Jimmy McGill is no more and Saul Goodman is all that remains. You made Cliff and his partners look like schmucks. Mike sits them down and tells them what is going to happen next: Howard's car is going to be driven several states away and abandoned next to the ocean, staged as a suicide; since the car was likely seen at the apartment before his disappearance, Jimmy and Kim are to tell the police that he showed up in a drug-addled stupor and left uneventfully. One Better Call Saul fan on Twitter wrote: "So in a way "Saul Goodman" did die. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Of course, we aren't exactly sure when the Gene timeline takes place and how much he knows about Jesse and Walt. What exactly is Saul wanted for? Really its 50/50 if the cops are even after him or have anything that would stick. But what did he actually do that they could trace back to him that he wouldnt have a legitimate defense for? Here's a thought: Ajax! The whole lobby of HHM applauding for you. () And she's waiting for you. While on break, he is approached by a cab driver named Jeff, who excitedly recognizes him as Saul Goodman. Here we go! But we filed an injunction, so you're gonna have to take down all your horsey logos or throw a big tarp over them til we can get this thing settled. Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) was nearly killed off at the end of Breaking Bad, but series creator Vince Gilligan decided to scrap the plan.The scheming lawyer was first introduced in Breaking Bad season 2 before transforming into a fan favorite through the rest of the series. The next day, Jimmy removes the advertising sign from the front of CC Mobile. I'm Saul Goodman. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Despite this, Jimmy still uses his manipulation skills for good as seen when he saved two of his comrades from being murdered by Tuco Salamanca by talking him down to breaking their legs instead and also sabotaging his brother Chuck's files in order for Kim to get her clients back. Crazy Nazi hitmen? Jimmy apparantly used some of the money acquired by scamming to attend bartending school but it's unknown if he ever worked as one. Gene notices a couple of DVD cases falling from the boy's coat and immediately realizes that the kid has been shoplifting. He asks Jimmy to engineer Platt's drunken breakdown in court in order to get the case dismissed. You want a good turn? After a whole week, Jimmy says that he has to return to his clients, but Marco insists that they do one last scam together. Gene questions if anyone has been looking for him or hanging around and brushes off Holly's concerns. ", Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. The next day, the four watch the pest-control team as it tents an infested home. While Kim was having a dinner with Jimmy, she wonders whether they did the right thing, and Jimmy replies what happened to Chuck was his own fault and that she should forget about him. JimmyYou'dyou'd blame yourself. Jimmy is angry that he is expected to be sympathetic. ("American Greed: James McGill"). Saul replies that his biggest regret is an experience from his youth in which he hurt his leg in a slip-and-fall. Watching Kim through the surveillance monitors, Gus calls Victor, who is standing in the room with Kim, and asks to speak with her directly. Despite his newfound shady nature as Saul Goodman, glimpses of Jimmy McGill can still be seen, exemplified by his genuine disgust for having to defend Lalo Salamanca for his brutal murder of the innocent Fred Whalen and his remorse for Fred's loved ones present in the courtroom. Better Call Saul is available to watch in full on AMC+ now. The two discuss Jimmy's sentence and how he had almost gotten seven years instead before his confession. The finale episode revealed what happened to Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) and Kim Wexler (Rhea Seehorn) in the wake of the penultimate episode's dramatic events, all of which is set post-Breaking Bad. Jimmy's speech moves Kim and some of the committee members to tears. 'Cause this is my screw-up. Jimmy receives a phone call from Kim telling him that Davis & Main, a law firm in Santa Fe, wants to hire him as a representative in the Sandpiper case. Jimmy finally drinks his own urine as Mike had earlier attempted to get him to do and begins walking down the road with Mike back to civilization, the threat to them now gone. To Saul's surprise, he shares the basement with Walt, who is also waiting to be extracted out of New Mexico. Faced with a threat by Marion to call the police, he rips the phone cord out of her wall and backs her into a corner as she threatens to summon the police with her LifeAlert pendant. The deal Saul Goodman made for his "client" inadvertently led to Krazy-8's death in Jesse's basement. Have a nap. Walt asks Saul to inform the DEA that Gus has a hit out on Hank. Talking with Kim, she realizes that the reason the committee ruled against him was because he did not mention Chuck the victim of the crime that led to his suspension once during the hearing. They love you! There it is! Lydia is dead. ("Hazard Pay"), Later, tending to his errand, Mike visits the DEA offices with Saul. He receives a call from Skyler asking where Walt is. To his shock and disgust, he learns that Kim has also come under fire at HHM for allegedly approving of the tape, but in truth, for her association with him. The plan backfires, however, when the twins mistakenly target Abuelita, the grandmother of Cartel drug dealer Tuco Salamanca ("Uno"), who kidnaps them along with Jimmy, taking them to the desert. Ive seen posts in the dating back a couple years. You've got the nuclear option, launch the doomsday device. At this point he doesn't know whether the police is able to link them to Walt-Heisenberg. However, Gene's plans for a new life free of crime are interrupted by the revelation that all of his assets have been seized by the government, leaving him with only what he brought with him to Nebraska. Later, inside a modest apartment, Gene pours himself a glass of liquor and watches TV, flipping through channels. Gene takes off from Jeff's house in his car while Marion remains in contact with her LifeAlert operator. Being an attorney does not shield you if you go too far. The Jew thing I just do for the homeboys. Jimmy's relationship with his older brother Chuck was one of the primary catalysts for his transformation into a criminal lawyer. As Jimmy McGill, he owns up to his crimes, even though it turns a seven year prison sentence into an eighty-six year one, effectively condemning Jimmy to spend the rest of his life in prison. Sorry thank you.Jimmy talking about Chuck in court. He loved me as a brother. Gene excuses Jeff and himself from the kitchen, perturbing Marion. And he let you know it, too. What took her so long?! He then rummages around for a VHS tape inside a shoebox, which plays his TV ads from back in the days when he was still a lawyer. However by the fourth season of Better Call Saul, Jimmy is shown to be even more cruel and non-caring as he shows barely any remorse for his older brother's tragic suicide, despite the fact that he is partly responsible and happily allows Howard to feel all the guilt over the situation; in a way following his brother's advice to no longer feel remorse for his actions and embrace who he is. Absolutely kidding me! And he could be judgmental and difficult, and he knew how to get under your skin. While Goodman couldn't remain high profile until the neo-Nazis were dealt with, he certainly wouldn't have to go into hiding from the authorities as they had nothing on him. Jimmy chastises Kim for talking to Lalo and they both take the next day off with Jimmy displaying signs of PTSD from his experience. Hey, you know what? You have no idea the tap-dance I had to give those cops to get you out of here. In the desert, Jimmy meets with the Cousins who silently hand over the money in two large duffle bags before taking off. Clearly he had trouble with the authorities, but I stand by the fact that he had reason to hide from the cartels as well. With his mulleted comb-over and. Saul takes pictures of Jesse's injured face and jokes that Walt is now the "cute one of the group." And I didn't want that. Why would Mike need a part time job as a PI for Saul? Between the next-to-last episode of BB and the last episode, some six months or so pass? Realizing Nacho is very likely intending violence against Craig and Betsy Kettleman, Jimmy attempts to warn the family. But I didn't call you for a reason, okay? Others have suggested fear of the Nazis is why he's hiding. If he hadn't walked into my office that day, Walter White would've been dead or behind bars within a month. Saul eventually acquires Calderas black book, giving him access to a vast criminal network and introducing him to later associates such as Patrick Kuby. At this point everyone that you listed, apart from Hank, is alive and is a potential threat to Saul. However, he is stunned to learn that Kim has already disclosed the truth of Howard's murder, meaning that he has no more leverage in the negotiations. Someting must've happened. And whatSo you can just wimp out?! Though Chuck remains calm throughout most of it, Jimmy reveals that Chuck had been carrying a fully charged cell phone battery planted by Huell for the entire hearing, contradicting the EHS symptoms Chuck claimed to have and suggesting he has a mental illness. Why does Saul Goodman have to go into hiding? He was eventually caught by the authorities and imprisoned for 86 years in a federal prison after finally accepting himself as Jimmy McGill, and began enjoying notoriety among his fellow inmates for his past life as Saul. Really it's more likely no one is even after him. She does, however, offer a counter proposal: she will start a solo practice for herself and share an office with him. However, after the sudden death of Marco, Jimmy was brought back to the fold by Kim, who persuaded Howard to recommend Jimmy for a job as an associate attorney at Davis & Main, HHM's co-counsel on the Sandpiper case, which Jimmy reluctantly accepts. ("Slip"), Jimmy talks with the Sandpiper class action representative Irene to get an update on the Sandpiper case and realizes that Sandpiper has already offered a settlement deal which if D&M and HHM accept, would give Jimmy over $1 million as his share of the settlement. Patiently waiting for Chuck to wake up, Jimmy confronts and chastises him over stealing Kim's laurels. I'll give you mine. While hosting a bingo game at a nursing home, Jimmy suffers an emotional breakdown and recollects the "Chicago Sunroof" incident before walking away in disgust. While arguing that Howard's death wasn't their fault and that it was Lalo who killed him, Jimmy found out that Kim knew Lalo was alive after being told so by Mike, and deliberately didn't tell him. When Jimmy and Kim return to the cleaned up apartment one night, they are too uncomfortable to stay there and spend the night at a motel where Jimmy tells Kim that they will go on with their lives as if nothing happened, but Kim stays silent. Let me tell you, the juices are flowing. I hope you do make a fortune, 'cause Chandler's gonna need it to help pay for his therapy!Jimmy to Roland Jaycocks over "Tony the Toilet Buddy". How to increase the number of CPU in my computer? ("Buyout"), Even after Saul's efforts, Mike is eventually caught by the DEA and is on the run. He calls a Cinnabon coworker from a payphone to make sure no one has been looking for him, and when it seems like the coast is clear, he goes back to work. Kim resumes packing her bags while Jimmy is left sadly standing in place. Jimmy and Kim argue, with Jimmy later apologizing and admitting he messed up. At a stoplight, a police car pulls up next to her; she rolls down the window and considers alerting the officers inside, but is unable to do so. Saul appears regretful of his part in the cruel ruse and discards the phone used to make the call, while Francesca tells him she should be paid more for this sort of work. Published May 9, 2022. Ed Galbraith brings Saul Goodman to his vacuum repair shop, where Walter White also awaits a new identity. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? Jimmy then established his own law firms; first with Kim at Wexler McGill and later establishing Saul Goodman & Associates. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Listen, my brother Chuckyouyou knew him. I never had a chance to write him a letter, and to tell him all the things that I should have. Howard challenges Jimmy to a bout, and Jimmy declines, but then changes his mind and enters the ring. After getting our first major Better Call Saul-era glimpse at Saul Goodman in last week's episode, this week catches us up with the most elusive of Jimmy McGill's (Bob Odenkirk) alter egos . He was the most brilliant man I ever knew, and an incredible lawyer, you know? Quickly proceeding to the copy shop, Jimmy cuts a deal with the clerk to eliminate all evidence of his presence there from the other night but not before Ernesto has questioned the clerk on Chuck's behalf. Meanwhile, Jimmy procures an old dentist's office for renovation into the joint venture. They later drive to a car wash where Walt worked for four years. Gene hears a knock at his front door. Walt assures him that Jesse is not on a killing spree and everything is going to be fine. WaterworksSaul's last words to Kim after singing their divorce papers. Skyler acted as if she knew absolutely nothing about what Walt was doing so its highly unlikely she would have mentioned Saul, she never mentioned Lydia to the cops before she was threatened by Todd. Can't think of any criminals left alive who would want to get him, or how the cops could get to him when everybody is dead. This triggers a sudden and acidic tirade from Chuck as he vents all of his frustrations about Jimmy and how he never should have tried to help him. Oh, to be nineteen again! Saul later suggests that Walt send Hank on "a trip to Belize" like he did with Mike. Hi. Saul has good reason to be far more afraid of getting murdered by the cartel for his involvement with Heisenberg and Mike/Fring than getting arrested and prosecuted. !Jimmy angry at a cone being moved, Save it. Viewed by many fans as even better than its predecessor, the . I was more than a willing participant, I was indispensable. Embrace it. If Saul thinks he should leave, I trust his judgement most of all. Gene then calls Marion to apprise her of Jeff's situation, but lets slip that Omaha's bond declaration rules are less stringent than those in Albuquerque, raising Marion's alarm. Well, you can make it happen, easily. Even though he is responsible for revealing his brother's mental illness to the insurance company and igniting the feud between Chuck and Howard, Jimmy is satisfied that no one knows of his role and with someone else to take the blame, he happily tells Howard that it is his "cross to bear," stunning Howard and Kim. He travels back to Cicero and reconnects with Marco. Are you sure about your answer now after the finale? However, Tiburn's truck crashes and is wrecked in the process, leaving Jimmy and Mike without a car again and without water as Tiburn's water supply was also destroyed. And Agent Schrader and Agent Gomez and a whole lot of other people would still be alive. Does Saul Goodman know Hank Schrader is a DEA agent when he comes to meet Badger at APD interrogation room? But not for long. Chuck realizes, too late, that his outburst has shocked the entire courtroom, including the committee.