The fashion of favoring all things anti-establishment regardless of their individual merits: alter-native medicine, alter-native media, alter-native reality. alterhuman-coining-posts reblogged this from quoipunk. It describes someone who "collects" an identity, or multiple identities, either by choice or by not. @/a-dragons-journal is a great place to ask questions and read answers to ones other alterhuman folks have asked. A Dr Disrespect Diaunthro. The results may possibly be representative of the larger alterhuman community's various age ranges, as this survey was advertised across a wide variety of platforms. Below are some examples of useful grammar and format editing: . It may also be one who is kingender or alterhuman, and has a kintype that relates to the countryside (such as cowkin.) It's simply described as identifying with a being. a nonhuman or alterhuman self-identifier to describe one's identity being caused by, rooted in, or influenced by both (an) obsession and delusion. Alterhuman/Alterhumanity/Nonhuman. dino-dentist liked this . We're a blog dedicated to answering questions about alterhumanity of all kinds! Meaning of alterhuman. alterhumanity can include: nonhuman identities like otherkin, therians, furries, extranths, voidpunks, etc. alterhuman (from alt+h's home page) A subjective identity which is beyond the scope of what is traditionally considered 'being human'. Some people in plural systems may . i wasn't feeling human since i was a kid and 5 days ago i decide to search a litlle bit more to be sure if i was non-binary, and i find that not feeling human was recognise by you my comrads, and i am very happy and proud to be xenogender, i love this word because i really felling like it's me, i was searching subreddits and i . Alterhumanity and therianthropy from a well seasoned wildcat. Terms specific to sisasystems. Welcome to ask an alterhuman! Please. xenodelic:. Grammar + Format Editing. . I've selected these terms to reflect frequently used and relevant terminology and to provide some historical context. this represents being "without" humanity, to any degree and in any manner. There are a lot of other helpful blogs out there too, but they're the main one that comes to mind right now. Put briefly, a mental shift is any shift from minor to major away from "Human" thinking or behavior and towards "animal" thinking and behavior. "A sysnonym to alterhuman thats less dysphoric." An Identity thats beyond the state of normative, traditional or mainstream ideas of self or identity for *any* species, entity or culture."* *N ot as a subset or subcatergory of alterhuman, but as another version. alterhuman is an umbrella term for identities which are other than human or differently human, on the basis of species identity, sense of embodiment, personal mythology, narrative identity, or anything else. side note: i don't intend to bring the features to life outside of cosplay, since the hairstyle change . Other Souls Network is an 18+ Discord server for people with spiritual alterhuman experiences to discuss these experiences in an environment that promotes mutual understanding, introspection, and personal growth. this might be something you're looking for! definition: a fictional identity facet in a median system, who has experiences and feelings in common with both fictives and fictionkin in a way that makes them feel positioned somewhere between or adjacent to the two. Therian Nation does not assume or seek a leadership role in the community. We aim to be a space for both serious discussion and lighthearted chatter with those who share similar explanations for their . I would prefer not to discuss factkin, as that is a complicated and messy subject even within the alterhuman community. #alterhuman #otherkin #therian #delusions #psychosis #endel. i don't experience maladaptive daydreaming, but i know xenreve (post one, post two) is the term for an alterhuman identity influenced or caused by madd and/or neuronarration. Terms that may be used as verbs. Agevague is an umbrella term. In cases of DID, most if not all alters can take recurrent executive control of the body in which they reside. To quote the article: Astrophel - The First Extraterrestrial Dialogue 9781481222679 Agevague Definition: Agevague, n. Someone in a system whose age is uncertain, not a fixed number, or not applicable. Looking for the perfect Pagan or witch name? The results may possibly be representative of the larger alterhuman community's various age ranges, as this survey was advertised across a wide variety of platforms. symbol made by kindness-flags. ID - An alternate term for kintype/theriotype/fictotype .Believed to be coined by Tumblr users who misunderstood the definition of otherkin/fictionkin to mean relating closely to a character or creature, not to identify as said being. The word alterhuman was coined as a solution to prohibitive identity politics in the otherkin community. Being otherhearted can be described as: Feeling a familial connection to x being. An alter is a dissociated self state that may be associated with either dissociative identity disorder (DID) or other specified dissociative disorder subtype 1 (OSDD-1). Christian names have usually honored Biblical figures and saints, but Pagans prefer to name themselves after nature, folklore, and the gods . If anyone reading this is familiar with this term and is able to offer advice where I cannot, I encourage you to do so in the replies . Instead, xenogenders can best be described through how they relate to things, beings, or concepts that most individuals . I make alterhuman content. Type: Essay. I'm no expert on the terminology, so it would be best to read other folks' experiences. Alterhuman was a term created that encompasses anyone with an identity that doesn't fit the traditional view of humanity, but don't necessarily fall under the otherkin umbrella. It's primarily centered around my essays and experiences in the community while also maintaining related subjects (fictionkind, essays, other blogs that are similar in themes to mine.) We believe ourselves to be other than, or alternately human. The definition is essentially the same for fictionkin. This video's a PG-rated analogy about sexual consent (cw: refers to sex assault & unconsciousness). Answer (1 of 3): Yes, people who believe they are fictionkin exist. if you are part of the alterhuman community and unironically believe in pseudo-scientific nonsense (which has only ever been observed, described, and talked about by members of the alterhuman community lol) like transspecies, species dysphoria, and that being diagnosed with clinical lycanthropy is a totally normal and healthy thing for someone, then yeah, you're probably on par with people . It was first defined by phasmovore here in 2014 and has since been expanded. Alterhuman: A personal identity referring to those who are beyond humanity in a social, psychological or spiritual way. Ps : This post is unnecessarily long but i just want to say hi. in this case, the two are intrinsically fused into a different unique experience and cannot be otherwise described as being both an obscend and an endel simultaneously. Kingender is a gender identity under the alterhumangender umbrella to describe someone with a gender related to their kintype. aren't inherently alterhuman, but lots of people from them consider their specific experiences under those labels alterhuman in some way" . this is an attempt to compile the voices of lesboys into one place in an effort to give lesboys a safe space and give allies a chance to understand more! the official definition is a little murky bc of kinda weird wording on the og coining post, but the listed definition is on A Certain Wiki as: "A term [used by people who are androids] and for whom that affects [their] gender!…androidic can encompass any binary or nb gender. Call me Groj. Alterhuman: Having an identity that is alternative to the common societal idea of 'human'; a person who identifies as such. This of course assumes a binary that not all people. However, the focus of this survey—body modification and decoration—may also naturally skew towards the interest of I think you do have to realize that not one size fits all here: my definitions of 'demon' and 'angel' are based entirely off where I'm from, and due to a number of reasons do not include whatever the Christian mythology says belongs under those two. Apr 22 2021 20:23 Thursday. Terms specific to partitionary systems. "A sysnonym to alterhuman thats less dysphoric." An Identity thats beyond the state of normative, traditional or mainstream ideas of self or identity for *any* species, entity or culture."* *Not as a subset or subcatergory of alterhuman, but as another version. This could include facets one considers fictotypes as well, or medians who feel like each of their facets is an identity closer . Alterhuman Wonderland is a convention held the weekend before Christmas for alterhumans and systems of all kinds! Some examples of what kingender individuals may experience are: a . #AlterhumansAgainstSexAbuse in this case, the two are intrinsically fused into a different unique experience and cannot be otherwise described as being both an obscend and an endel simultaneously. Feeling like you almost identify as x being, but not . Alt+H, an advocacy group "dedicated to increasing awareness and acceptance of alterhuman people," encourages a loose definition: "You are alterhuman if you decide to call yourself alterhuman . 214 notes. barkabarka . For example, one may have a gender that fluctuates/changes when in the countryside, or is only felt when on the countryside. Etymology "Otherkin" as an adjective was defined in the Middle English Dictionary (1981) as "a different or an additional kind of, other kinds of". lunarlogix liked this . It is not identifying as something in the same way as otherkin, and is oftentimes a more casual, in the background identity. Alterhuman Since 2012. Terms that may be used as adverbs. ♡ im babydog/Mutt, and im a dog ♡ 114 (20 in human yrs) ♡ pup/its, the dog/its, it/its, they/them ♡ please read my pinned post! Whether you're alterhuman and looking for advice, or a human wondering what something means, this ask blog is open to all! A nonbinary gender identity that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy such as those relating to . These are for alters only and do not belong under the 'alterhuman' umbrella. the canned argument of 'well i talked to my psych / looked in the DSM and by definition otherkin doesn't count as that' is often employed in a way that furthers stigma, but i don't want to attribute to malice what's probably just ignorance, so here's some PSAs from a certified delusional alterhuman who specifically has delusions . 2. a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. Can be used like pinkgender, violetgender, etc. It's more than a fascination or like of the creature, like in the furry fandom, but not quite to the point of being something you identify as, like with a therian or otherkin. Oh boy, I'm gonna immediately bounce you to @endelity, one of the mods of which is the coiner of the term "endel," but let me see what I can dig up.. My general tag for "otherkin is a delusion" on my discourse/antikin-engagement blog is probably a good read regarding why otherkinity doesn't fit the definition of a delusion, though fair . this is otherkin, … Changing a page's format to fit the format we use (example in page creation); It is not 100% mandatory, but we tend to avoid words like 'person' or 'human' as they can sometimes cause species dysphoria for alterhuman folks. They use the term to gatekeep by defining it similarly/the same way as we define otherkinity, in that you are the identity, but they say it's for psychotics to use only. The word 'alterhuman' exists as an umbrella term which intends to encompass all of these subcultures, as well as others such as plurality. Mordecai has written a treatise on a more modern definition here, and this is the definition we work with at Alt+H. submit your lesboy stories! The term was coined by Fandom user FightingForMyLove on January . Words: 1,749. Definition: Technelinkic is a linkgender where one's gender is connected to their android, ai, cyborg, robot, or other tech related linktypes. riverclanning reblogged this from nonhuman-culture-is. Other-Hearted, also synonymous with Animal-Hearted, is when an individual strongly identifies with a species of creature. (noun) symbolism: black represents a lack of/absence of light. Alterhuman is an inclusive umbrella term that forms a category that describes a person who have some kind of non-human identity. "A group of people having a particular characteristic in common." This will never change regardless of how much others diverge from the origin so long as the belief of being "other than human" is held constant. Alterhuman Having an identity that is alternative to the common societal idea of 'human'; a person who identifies as such. "Alterhuman" is an umbrella term for those with unconventional identities and experiences beyond of what is considered "human". I think accepting that we don't objectively know how or why we're like this is key too. "Xeno," meaning alien. Alterhuman / Alternative Humanity Personal Identity ("AHPI") is "A category of personal identity which encompasses identification that is alternative to the common societal idea of humanity." You are alterhuman if you decide to call yourself alterhuman. The kingender experience is different for everyone. Some people who are kin use "ID" to mean what they consider their primary kintype, the one they feel closest to in this life/world. A kintype (or otherkin) relates to a non-human identification. Alterhuman Terminology & Lexicon A brief listing of terms used in the alterhuman community, as well as the definitions for the aforementioned terms. This blog features content about otherkin and therianthropy! Alt+H, an advocacy group "dedicated to increasing awareness and acceptance of alterhuman people," encourages a loose definition: "You are alterhuman if you decide to call yourself alterhuman . thatoneweirdhumanisback liked this . the yandere bitch club (on tumblr) began making claims abt 'kin and spreading the idea kinning was a hobby / relating and such. Alter-human/Alternative Humanity Personal Identity "AHPI" How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Ontological Ambiguity Awakening The period during which an alterhuman person realizes their identity. hi there! A large umbrella term that applies to a wide range of experiences. Whether it's for yourself, an animal familiar, or a fictional character, have fun perusing these delightfully witchy monikers. then i encountered a picrew with a feature i resonated with and added it to my subsequent picrews whenever it was available. What are fictionkin? Alterhumanity- A subjective identity that is beyond the scope of what is traditionally considered 'being human'. This. Therefore, alterhumanity means embracing the unknown. Terms that apply to systems. The best I could find in terms of a definition was a guess based on the name from a user on TAS, which isn't enough for me to feel confident speaking about it so I can't really help you there, sorry. Xenogender/xenoidentities (from Greek xenos: strange, unknown) is described as a 'gender identity that can't be entirely expressed through gender theory and general concepts of gender', instead, they are depicted as identities relative to one's aesthetic, interest, personality, mental state (neurogender) a noun or even an object. Fictionkin; (noun): A person who discovers that they have in some way inherited the soul/spirit/complete mentality of a fictional character, and the identity of that character is in some way mixed with thei. Ask an Alterhuman! flag meaning: strip 1: represents solid colored metal. Otherkin, therians, otherhearted, othershards, vampires, unspecified alterhumans, systems of all sorts, incarnates, and anything else you can think of under the Alterhuman umbrella! Definition of alterhuman in the dictionary. (adj) A person with such an identity. This is an important part of wiki editing and it is encouraged! ask-an-alterhuman answered: Otherhearted connections don't have a very set-in-stone definition of what they feel like. it quickly escalated and. Summary: On how alterhuman spaces treat ugly instincts and why they treat them so poorly. As someone with DID, I am asking you to take 'fictive' out of your 'alterhuman' definition. And I think accepting the absurdity of it is pretty integral to building an identity off of it. Check out our list of over 100 magickal names drawn from the realms of the occult. pls do your research before defining terms. Countrygender is a xenogender that is heavily influenced by living in the countryside. It's currently being used by KFFs to gatekeep newcomers from joining otherkin/alterhuman spaces, insult alterhumans, and harm psychotics. initially she didn't have any alterhuman/non-human features: just a different hair color, hairstyle, and eye color. Xenogender refers to a type of gender that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender, and/or that falls outside the bounds of what is commonly defined as a gender. Otherkin- People who identify either partially or wholly as one. Plus, by definition, minors can't consent, nor can animals. Terms that describe system count. Herschel "Guy" Beahm IV, better known by his online alias Dr DisRespect, is an American video-game streamer. This dictionary is meant to cover common alterhuman terms. Author's Note: Content warnings for mentions of bestiality, zoophilia, hunting urges. a-dragons-journal:. Feeling like you should be x being. I don't think there's a particularly simple way to boil down "alterhuman and kin stuff" since the community is an old one and there's a lot of history to those words, but I can say that alterhuman is a general umbrella term for those who identify as nonhuman, and 'kin is a shortened form of "otherkin" or "fictionkin" which . Because of this, a person is left with multiple personalities that take on roles in order to protect the body and the traumatized child . Constelic is an identity under the alterhuman umbrella. Terms that may be used as adjectives. The portion of the population that supports ideas and beliefs specifically because they are alternative, rather than mainstream, without regard to the instrinsic meaning of the belief. welcome to the lesboy diary- a compilation of the experiences of lesboys! The problem with "ID" as a term is that it doesn't have a set definition and means different things to different people. Welcome To The Arena Call me, Doc. small thoughts on a more personally useful shortform definition of 'alterhuman' that i've been rolling around in my head: people with non-typical experiences of species identity, embodiment, narrative identity and personal mythology Otherkin- People who identify either partially or wholly as one or more non-human beings, entities, or concepts in a psychological or spiritual manner. Xenogender is an umbrella term for non-binary gender identities that cannot be fully described through their relation to concepts typically used to describe gender such as male, female, woman, man, masculinity, femininity, androgyny, neutrality, agenrinity, or outherinity. DID and OSDD-1 are classified dissociative disorders in the DSM-5 in which a person's personality is unable to fully integrate into one personality due to repeated and severe trauma before the ages of 7-9 when the personality integrates in normal development. Xenogender is not a subtype of non-binary, as it does not . Terms that may be used as nouns. The definition is Colorgender: a gender associated with one or more colors and the feelings, hues, emotions, and/or objects associated with that color. That's pretty weird! However, the focus of this survey—body modification and decoration—may also naturally skew towards the interest of Alterhumanity- A subjective identity that is beyond the scope of what is traditionally considered 'being human'. a nonhuman or alterhuman self-identifier to describe one's identity being caused by, rooted in, or influenced by both (an) obsession and delusion. bluevelvetdiamonds liked this . It feels really disrespectful of my disorder and the clinical words we use pertaining to it. Agevague, adj. Otherkin: This term refers to those who identify as non-human, usually non-physically and psychologically or spiritually. Terms that apply to headmates. strip 2: represents bolts and gears Date: 27.12.2021 Comments: 0 . Filed under, "essays that might make people mad at me.". The state of being plural and at an age that is uncertain, not a fixed number, or not applicable. Some systems consider themselves alterhuman, and others do not. Alterhumanity is the experience of being alterhuman. "Groups like furries [.] if you're a lesboy, feel free to submit things about your identity, why you like the label, and anything else! Information and translations of alterhuman in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. #InternationalDayOfConsent Consent requires constant communication. Naia Ōkami This term is mostly made for Androidkin, DBH [Detroit: Become . endelity:. About This Blog. If you want the definition to be loose, okay, but saying that you are something because you say you are is about as useful as me saying I'm all . Also called age vague or age-vague. Being otherkin or fictionkin is not really anyone else's problem? [Part of the Sol System's Alterhuman Writing Project for NaNoWriMo 2021. A category containing all terms in the plurality dictionary without categories or redirects. Therian Nation Mature, rational, and respectful news and discussion about Therianthropy and the Therian community. ~alterhuman = a person who has a subjective identity which is beyond the scope of what is traditionally considered 'being human'. Exclusive to the alterhuman community, but mainly copinglinkers. ♡ beholder in the Fruits Basket delposic hoarde ♡ agere/ageplay is a trigger, dont interact please ♡ interacts from @Xenethes ♡ One example of this could be someone who feel like a dragon on a emotional degree. The definition itself is an issue as it clarifies nothing: anyone can be alterhuman even if they have nothing in common with what's alterhuman, promoting further ambiguity when the word is used. 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